Video surfaces of Michelle Obama praising Weinstein as a wonderful human being – IOTW Report

Video surfaces of Michelle Obama praising Weinstein as a wonderful human being

Well, this didn’t age too well. There was so much evidence at the time that Weinstein was a pig, it’s just that his money bags obscured greedy people’s vision.

Moose calls Weinstein a “wonderful human being” and a “friend.”

27 Comments on Video surfaces of Michelle Obama praising Weinstein as a wonderful human being

  1. You watch that and think “Are you really gonna tell me you didn’t know how much of a pig Weinstain wuz back then… Woopie?”

    We all know now that it was common knowledge in the Hollywood crowd you fcuking hypocrite!!

  2. Good! Now Trump’s campaign people can use this to ratfuck Moochelle out of any possibility the Democrat Party would run her as their Vice Prez in the general election. Yay!

  3. Kcir (2 Faced Trudeau) – Dood! You have my sincere condolences for taking one for the team!!

    JDHasty – Yup! That’s the way Hollyweird rolls! It’s all about the power… and always has been. Twenty years from now we’ll be seeing the same story with different names.

  4. I’m not a Weinstein apologist (far from it); the guy is a creep of epic proportions…but, did you know, at his rape trial, the 2 women he was accused of raping, both admitted to having consensual sex on several occasions after the supposed rapes? And they sent him nice cards and letters, and went to his parties. WTF? Sounds more like those college “rapes” where the sex is consensual, but later regretted by the woman, so…rape! Meanwhile the media has pilloried Corey Feldman for daring to expose the pedophilia that is rampant in Hollywood.

  5. @ Tony R FEBRUARY 27, 2020 AT 10:41 AM

    That is how the left operates in general. “It wasn’t rape rape” unless the progressive movement thinks there is political hay to be made from it. Moral relativism defines them and situational ethics is what they live by. I have no use for the bastards.


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