Two More Senior Iranian Officials Die of Chinese Coronavirus – IOTW Report

Two More Senior Iranian Officials Die of Chinese Coronavirus

Breitbart: Iranian media on Friday reported the deaths of Hossein Sheikholeslam, formerly ambassador to Syria and an adviser to Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, and Mohammed Haj Abolghasemi, an intelligence officer and commander in Iran’s brutal Basij paramilitary unit, a division of the designated terrorist organization known as the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). 

Sheikholeslam, 68, had a terrorist resume himself, having participated in the hostage crisis at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran in 1979. He was a leader of the “Muslim Student Followers of Imam’s Line,” the revolutionary group that seized the embassy, and was involved in interrogating the 52 U.S. diplomats who were taken hostage. Before that, he studied at the University of California at Berkeley. 

Sheikholeslam tested positive for the coronavirus only two days ago and was quickly taken to the Tehran hospital reserved for the remarkable number of Iranian officials who have contracted the disease. The speaker of the Iranian parliament, Ali Larijani, insisted on Thursday that Sheikholeslam was recovering. Shiekholeslam was advising Larijani on international affairs at the time of his death. read more

24 Comments on Two More Senior Iranian Officials Die of Chinese Coronavirus

  1. Instead of working to build nuclear bombs they -The Iranian leaders- should have spent their effort developing a modernized healthcare system and infrastructure.

  2. I’ll bet the Profit (Piss Be Upon Him) is thrilled with the adoration his followers throw his way. That Shrine take a lickin’ and his followers stop tickin’.

  3. If ayatollyah once, ayatollyah a thousand times, dont lick shrines during a pandemic, you nutty Shi’ites

    Khamene’i more times do I gotta tell you

  4. I am a firm believer in the “golden” rule: do unto others as you would have them to unto you.

    Therefore, it pleases me greatly when members of a regime that actively seeks to bring death to (citizens of) western civilization, are given that which they wish upon others.

  5. I try not to wish disease and death on those I hate or despise. Even these totalitarian theocratic Iranians don’t deserve…

    Damn. Who the hell am I trying to kid?

    Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah!

    ♫♪♫ Happy days are here again…♫♪♫


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