Quarantine Query – Pet Portraits – IOTW Report

Quarantine Query – Pet Portraits

Has anyone requested a pet portrait and not received due diligence on my part?

I feel like I may have dropped the ball somewhere along the way, and now is the perfect time to say “hey.”

If you haven’t asked about one, but wanted to, now is the perfect time as well.

That is all.

Thank you.



3 Comments on Quarantine Query – Pet Portraits

  1. I’d like you to taint, I mean paint, a picture of my Petey B’s favorite pet, his unbleached elastic starfish named Chasten. Can I request a 6′ by 9′? That size would really make a statement. I’d hang it up on our garage door, give our homo home curbside appeal and just make it POP!

    And please. No pastels. Just different shades of brown. I’ll email you a pic to get started.


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