Encouraging Illegal Aliens To Remain In The US Is A Crime, Supreme Court Rules – IOTW Report

Encouraging Illegal Aliens To Remain In The US Is A Crime, Supreme Court Rules

Daily Caller: The Supreme Court unanimously upheld a federal statute that forbids encouraging illegal aliens to remain in the U.S. unlawfully in a decision Thursday.

The Supreme Court justices voided an earlier decision by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, which had ruled that a federal anti-harboring statute was unconstitutional on the grounds that it violated the First Amendment by restricting free speech. The ruling by the nation’s highest court Thursday upholds the law. read more

23 Comments on Encouraging Illegal Aliens To Remain In The US Is A Crime, Supreme Court Rules

  1. It seems for the 9th Circuit, it matters whether the crime you encourage is politically correct or not. Would they have declared that it was Constitutionally protected speech to encourage the murder of Circuit Court judges?

  2. Only way it could’ve gone. And everybody knew that, from the start. (Just like “prolife” Republicans “banning” abortion, while SCOTUS said “You can’t, even, give them bad feelz.”)

    Anything else, would mean an honorable rank & file, sidling up to you in a bar, and saying “What a douche. Somebody outta pay somebody to kill that douche.” and you grunting “A’yep.”, couldn’t be the rule of law right honorable reason, for breaking into your house, killing your dog, sending “your” children to rape camp, and looting all “your” stuff.

  3. I know the millstones of Justice grind slowly, but 10 years!!?

    No wonder we don’t respect our gov’t! Get a clue, SCOTUS! Who stonewalled this case, anyway?! 10 freakin’ years.

  4. Billy, I know right? To be buzzed through the gate to scrub my five toilets, then buzzed out again, is every undocumented persons human right! Now I will have to pay some scuzzy cracker or ghetto colored twice as much to do it. I SUPPORT YOU, MY UNDOCUMENTED BROTHERS AND SISTERS, YOUR ALL IN THIS TOGETHER !

    Thank Gaia I’m better and more caring than all of you racists.

  5. Instead of encouraging people to rat on people not wearing masks, they should have a hotline to call when you suspect neighbors are here illegally. And offer a reward if they are.

  6. Newsom needs to be read his rights, because the other condition that he’s suffering from that isn’t being a traitor, renders him unable to read them himself.

  7. @Cassandra Shapiro-Dawes May 9, 2020 at 10:53 am

    > Thank Gaia I’m better and more caring than all of you racists.

    How dare you, xir!? How DARE you!?

    I AM NOT RACIST! I bought an anatomically functional robot. From a patriotic company. With, at least, one office in The United States. That, also, happens, to scrub toilets. (And her hands can just be thrown in the dishwasher.)

  8. So, providing sanctuary, offering sanctuary, promoting sanctuary is illegal.
    Time to round up city council members for their photo op down at central booking

  9. And then I read the story. Supremes didn’t actually uphold the law, they just sent the case back to the 9th because they didn’t like the way the 9th reached it’s conclusion. This case is still technically undecided.

  10. Call me skeptical but this can’t stand for very long. The “proper” palms will be greased and things will return to “normal”. There’s too much guv’mint money being paid out to the groups that promote the “health and welfare” of the groups…er…I mean…the illegals coming in. It’s worth a lot of $$$ to keep that tap flowing.

  11. “This case is still technically undecided.”

    Yeah, but that’s just a temporary thing.

    It should all be finalized and fully decided in 10 years or so.


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