Pelosi Wants Big Spending Bill and Vote By Proxy – IOTW Report

Pelosi Wants Big Spending Bill and Vote By Proxy

Washington Examiner

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she’s aiming for a vote next week on a massive spending bill as well as a resolution to change the House rules and allow members to vote in place of absent fellow lawmakers.

“Our members want remote voting by proxy,” Pelosi told reporters Thursday. “If people can’t come because we don’t want them to come if someone has a fever, they should be able to be recorded.”

Democrats have wavered on when the House will reconvene. Pelosi has been aiming for Monday, but only if Democratic lawmakers have completed drafting a massive economic aid package that would provide $1 trillion to state and local governments, along with other significant spending initiatives. More

17 Comments on Pelosi Wants Big Spending Bill and Vote By Proxy

  1. It must be nice to be a lawmaker where convid19 doesn’t affect your job security one bit, give yourself a raise, are expected to work less, and can fiddle fart around with trillions of dollars that’s not yours on issues you don’t understand one bit other than where to funnel cash for those no bid contracts. Every time Pelosi opens her trap every average American gets an ass reaming, including future children that manage to escape a death sentence in the womb.

  2. The democrats and the rinos are hellbent on destroying this country. The only thing I can figure is that they hope there is a complete and utter collapse so that in the ruins and the confusion they can somehow get away with having fleeced the all time greatest amount of treasure that anyone could imagine! These TRAITOROUS BASTARDS will burn in hell, but first they need to face justice!

  3. It’s gotten to the point that rather then just being told how to vote, this plastic faced old bint will do the voting for them?
    A great way to represent your constituents, fucking hang these traitors, even the Soviets were better then this.

  4. Larry told me Mr. Bad_Brad is right. Larry said,

    “$10¹² is not enough. $10¹⁵ might cover it. And $10¹⁶ definitely would.”

    Larry is smart, but I don’t know what the numbers mean. I like Nancy Pelosi.

  5. Inslee’s in for part of that trillion dollars as well and so is Oregon. The Constitution be damned huh nance, you are a fool lady and you and the rest of your democrap cronies (and RINO’s) need to be removed from your Congressional office now.

  6. Hey, great idea! If this works then we can get rid of all the concentrations of power in the Swamp. There is no need to for Congress to meet in one place anymore where lobbyists, foreign governments, and special interests can easily swarm all over you guys in an afternoon or two, corrupt your souls and enrich your (and your family’s) bank accounts. With you in crappy SF, AOC in da hood in NY, and the incestuous Somalian doing whatever she does in MN, power is de-concentrated and hence, your power wanes. Just think! No more flying around on our dime to visit foreign countries, we wouldn’t want you to get any exotic diseases now, do we? Teleconference instead. If it is good enough for a bill that will bankrupt us, it is good enough for all bills. No more symbols of power, you can vote on important bills while in your bathrobe like millions of Americans are doing now. You would be non-essential, like you should have been all along. Oh, and yea, while we are at it, why not relocate the Dept of Agriculture and its DC elite bureaucrats in Iowa and SD? And the DOE busy bees can go where needed most in Mississippi and Arkansas? You get the picture. Well, maybe not, you are a Democrat, after all.

  7. ode to pelosi/pees-loosely:
    .a dementia congressional-speaker
    .p***ed down her pantsuit on a sneaker,
    .she wheezed to her friends
    .this s**t never ends,
    .my bladder just keeps getting weaker!

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