DeSantis and Kemp see low death rates in states despite media hate – IOTW Report

DeSantis and Kemp see low death rates in states despite media hate

WaEx: There’s been no surer way to end up on the national media’s blacklist amid the coronavirus pandemic than to say the words “reopen” and “economy.”

Naturally, that’s where Govs. Brian Kemp of Georgia and Ron DeSantis, both Republicans, found themselves the second either of them began loosening up statewide restrictions on normal business operations in recent weeks. For that, the entire media began casting them as reckless science-doubters who were effectively inviting new outbreaks and mass deaths within their states.

But neither state has experienced an outbreak. In fact, both Florida and Georgia are doing well, with COVID death rates well below the national average of 25 per 100,000 people. In Georgia, it’s 13. In Florida, just 8.

So how are the media’s COVID-19 governor heroes doing? Daily press briefings by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, are run top to bottom live on cable news outlets, and his performances are cherished by the press. The New York Times last month called Cuomo’s delivery “articulate, consistent and often tinged with empathy.” The paper also likened the briefings to a “tender embrace.” read more

8 Comments on DeSantis and Kemp see low death rates in states despite media hate

  1. I wish governors and mayors would turn the questioning back on media people by asking them why their states’ great CV19 numbers are a cause for anything but celebration. Make them explain why they seem to be upset and disappointed that more people aren’t dead, dying and infected. I’d wait for a response.

  2. China is playing Go while the US can’t even do checkers right. China has spent decades doing the following in order to convert the US into its prize vassal state:

    1. Becoming dominate manufacturer of goods sold to US thereby acquiring lots of US currency.

    2. Using step 1 to buy political influence inside the US (Clinton and Bush eras).

    3. Using step 2 to gradually steal more and more US intellectual property.

    4. Using step 3 to acquire ever larger shares of global markets.

    5. Using wealth from step 4 to buy massive influence into US academia, news media, tech companies, and entertainment industries.

    6. Using step 5 to get full control of a major US political party, the democrats (and a sizeable number of republicans too).

    7. Using steps 5 and 6 to take control of major cultural narratives and memes inside US society affecting the thoughts of over half the country, easily.

    8. Using their massive levels of wealth and influence over the US cultural narrative to run a massive PsyOp (COVID-19) to leverage their bought and paid for political leverage to destroy the US economy and national cohesion.

    9 Step in after our prostituted ruling class has wrecked our society completely and “save” us the way they’re “saving” Africa, i.e. by taking over control of the entire continent’s economy.

  3. The death rate in NY is astronomical compared to the rest of the U.S. The ONLY reason is because NY did such an awful, horrible job responding to this and gave people substandard care. Cuomo is a killer.


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