The Media Trashed Gov. Ron DeSantis Over Fired Florida Data Scientist, The Real Story Leaves Egg On Their Face – IOTW Report

The Media Trashed Gov. Ron DeSantis Over Fired Florida Data Scientist, The Real Story Leaves Egg On Their Face

RedState: The firing of a data analyst who helped design Florida’s coronavirus dashboard sent the media into a tizzy over the last few days. Wild conspiracies were spun that Florida was actually doing much worse but that the numbers were being manipulated to hide infections and deaths. Before one actual fact came out, such lunacy was already trending on Twitter and had quickly become dogma on the left.

For her part, Rebekah Jones, the dismissed employee, played right into the frenzy.

Rebekah Jones said in an email to CBS12 News that her removal was “not voluntary” and that she was removed from her position because she was ordered to censor some data, but refused to “manually change data to drum up support for the plan to reopen.”

Jones made the announcement May 5 in a farewell email to researchers and other members of the public who had signed up to receive updates on the data portal, according to Florida Today. She said that for “reasons beyond my division’s control,” her office is no longer managing the dashboard, involved in its publication, fixing errors or answering any questions.

It took little time for Jones to backtrack, claiming she was taken out of context and that she actually meant something mundane. She’s currently refusing to answer media inquiries.

But in an email the next day, Jones seemed to backtrack saying what she meant was that the new team is “busy and can’t answer every single email they get right away.” She continued, saying “Is this one of those stupid things that I shouldn’t have said?” Finally, she concluded, “I really don’t want this to be a story.”

Now, new details paint an even worse picture of Jones and the media which propped her up, using her story to baselessly attack Gov. DeSantis. Apparently, apart from being fired for insubordination, she’s also facing charges for sexual harassment, as my colleague Robert Hahn reported Wednesday. more

13 Comments on The Media Trashed Gov. Ron DeSantis Over Fired Florida Data Scientist, The Real Story Leaves Egg On Their Face

  1. Oh come on – there’s no ‘egg on their faces’.

    These people are propagandists for vile fascists. They have zero shame or zero embarrassment for their lies. In fact, to the zombies whose only source of news is their propaganda, this lie is never known.

  2. there’s such a thing as a ‘Data Scientist’? …. really?

    I always thought that people that analyzed data & twisted for political purposes (which is why all governments & media gather it) were just called ‘liars’


    “Other outlets, including MSNBC and NPR, reported that Jones was a “scientist.” While Jones was enrolled for over two years at Florida State University in a geography Ph.D. program, a university spokesman told the Tampa Bay Times the school had not posted any degrees for her, and Jones’s personal blog shows she is not set to complete the doctorate until 2021.”

    National Review


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