Washington State Declares Gunshot Victims Died Of Wu Flu – IOTW Report

Washington State Declares Gunshot Victims Died Of Wu Flu


Washington epidemiologists have admitted that multiple victims of gunshot wounds who had also been diagnosed with coronavirus have been counted as COVID-19 deaths, although they say deaths from the virus are still likely being undercounted in the state.

Epidemiologists with the Washington State Department of Health said that the “number of nuances” in coronavirus data makes it difficult to render a quick assessment in the cause of death. The state is currently counting anyone that dies with COVID-19 in its death toll. More

14 Comments on Washington State Declares Gunshot Victims Died Of Wu Flu

  1. ” … although they say deaths from the virus are still likely being undercounted in the state.”

    And they know this how?

    Certainly not from the evidence available, such as in this article mentions, which shows obvious overcounting.

  2. Well that sure cleaned the board off of any law suits pronto ASAP!!
    After all, a “pandemic” qualifies under the “force majeure” protection for Insurance companies!
    Fooooooooooooollow the money kidz!

  3. Morning Poll:

    For overall state corruption and stupidity, Washington ranks nationally in the:

    (a) Top 10
    (b) Top 5
    (c) Washington is RANK, i.e., it stinks. It’s bloody FIRST!
    (d) All of the above.

  4. We have had cheat by mail voting in SayWA for many years. Early in the process we still foolishly believed we could elect a non democrat governor. Thanks to cheat by mail he was ultimately defeated on the third or fourth recount. Each count featured an announcement of how many votes he had won by, and each recount featured ‘newly found’ cheat by mail ballots. The gap narrowed each time and on the ‘final’ ‘hand count’ he was defeated by the communist. There was one box of ballots ‘found’ that was all democrat and every ballot had Seattle city hall as an address.


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