Ex-Whitewater Prosecutor Predicts Durham Probe Will Spark Indictments – IOTW Report

Ex-Whitewater Prosecutor Predicts Durham Probe Will Spark Indictments

Justice at last?

Bongino Report: Appearing on Fox News‘ “Witch Hunt” hosted by Gregg Jarrett, former Whitewater prosecutor Robert Ray predicted that John Durham’s investigation into the origins of the Russia probe will spark indictments.

“It is a criminal investigation with grand-jury authority, and I don’t think the attorney general expects this is going to be just left to the side of history without actual prosecutions being brought to hold those responsible accountable,” Ray said during the Fox Nation special “Witch Hunt,” which first aired on the Fox News Channel Sunday night.

But, he added, “Even if no felony prosecution is ever brought as a result of this, this is a political scandal of the highest order and the American people should be paying attention.”


13 Comments on Ex-Whitewater Prosecutor Predicts Durham Probe Will Spark Indictments

  1. “Even if no felony prosecution is ever brought as a result of this, this is a political scandal of the highest order and the American people should be paying attention.” Sorry, but that is just a dumb ass statement. Millions of us are not only paying attention, but we’re pissed off as hell! Maybe the DOJFBINSADIADNCRNC and every other alphabet operation are the ones that should be paying attention because if the pissed off level goes up much more there will be tar and feathers coming out.

  2. We have been paying attention. And we have been holding our breath awaiting the ‘impending indictments’. For at least two years.

    Indictments right around the corner.
    The guilty are about to get their comeuppance and justice is nigh.

    Forgive me if I don’t believe a word of it.

    I’m exhausted after being so attentive.

  3. If ANY of this results in ANYTHING lesser than the death penalty for treason, and patriotic Americans will never forget that they got fucked by the justice system.

    These people need to be charged, found guilty by the evidence, and FUCKING PUBLICLY HANGED……WITHOUT HOODS.

  4. ^^^^ And left hanging for all to see until no meat is left on their treasonous bones.

    May the stench of that remind everyone about the true nature of crimes against US.

  5. “…this is a political scandal of the highest order and the American people should be paying attention…”

    Operative word being “should”.

    Yaaaawwwn. Wake me up when the indictments are handed down.

  6. After four years it finally shows up during elections season.

    It will be talking points for campaigns and maybe a couple of indictments which will go away after the election.

    As always, we’re being played. It just could not be more obvious.

  7. Hope springs eternal.

    I do love how POTUS Trump calls him “Bull Durham.”

    Let’s just hope and pray Durham isn’t a poser like Gowdy was. All hat, no cattle.

  8. To Tsunami
    That’s what I always say, so they can see the grim satisfaction on the viewer’s faces knowing they truly made big mistakes in underestimating American citizens. Plus pay for view would cover the rest of the border fence construction and flip the finger to China. MAGA/KAG2020


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