President Trump: ‘I have a chance to break the deep state’ – IOTW Report

President Trump: ‘I have a chance to break the deep state’

Just The News: President Trump says he is making inroads in taming Washington’s permanent bureaucracy, which he likes to call the “deep state.”

“What am I doing? I’m fighting the deep state,” Trump said in an exclusive interview with Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson. “I’m fighting the swamp…If it keeps going the way it’s going, I have a chance to break the deep state. It’s a vicious group of people. It’s very bad for our country.”

In the wide-ranging interview with Full Measure set to air Sunday, Trump also addressed the debate over whether religious services should remain closed. Calling them “essential services,” he says it’s time for them to open. Read more

18 Comments on President Trump: ‘I have a chance to break the deep state’

  1. That’s right, but he won’t break the deep state by pardoning obama or biden or any of the other TRAITOROUS BASTARDS!! Everyone needs to see there is a price to pay for being a criminal.

  2. @joe6pack “Everyone needs to see there is a price to pay for being a criminal.”

    Until a pandemic is created and they empty the jails for God only knows what reason.

  3. @joe6 ~ didn’t say I wanted to pardon everyone … just suggested that pardoning O’Breezy & Brain-dead Biden would implicate them forever when we all know they’ll never be indicted in the first place

    Draining The Swamp, like all of life’s compromises, is not a zero-sum game … take your victories where you can & hope that others who hold the same ideals will join

  4. I’ve been lambasted for making this comparison before, but I believe it with all my heart.

    Trump is the non-spiritual, political, 21st century version of Jesus Christ. Before you go all ballistic on me, remove the theological/deity being that is Christ, and view him in the political sense and threat that he posed at the time.

    You had the elite ruling class (Pharisees, Sadducees and other high priests), who controlled the citizenry’s access to God, and also made the rules (613 laws in the Torah) dictating what an observant Jew could and could not do. Nobody could follow all of those rules (certainly not the elites – but they controlled the narrative) and as such everybody was condemned to some degree and kept subservient.

    Jesus threatened to turn that whole power structure on its head, but before he could accomplish it in his lifetime he had to die. The ruling class had to remove him in order to preserve their power. Which, by the way didn’t last very long thereafter.

    Anybody seeing any parallels here? Again, NOT assigning any spiritual or deity characteristics to Trump – just the political.

  5. In the 70’s-80’s everyone wanted an outsider, then they wanted a businessman, now we have one, a Moses, and the herd whines that they want to go back to Egypt.

    @stirrin the pot, you reminded me of the Moses thingy with your quite accurate observation

  6. Molon, I didn’t think you meant everyone, in fact didn’t even occur to me. As far as people’s memories and pardons go, I’ll bet less than 40% of the population remember Nixon was pardoned. But if he was hanged by the neck until dead everyone would know that.

  7. On a significant side note, President Trump just made a very big play for winning North Carolina that’s in danger of turning blue. He’s threatening the Demwit NC governor to make a decision on hosting a fully attended RNC convention without unnecessary restrictions or else he’s moving the RNC convention to another state – LOL!!!; .
    NC Gov. Cooper (D) is dragging his heels opening NC. He’s still implementing overreaching restrictions and nonsensical schedules for re-opening businesses. Cooper’s being sued by locked down businesses left and right. Pun intended.
    President Trump just called him out. Your move Gov. “Deep State” Cooper. Popcorn time!

  8. ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ @ 11s

    Thanks for the West update.
    Good news.

    Had it up to about here with a select few of the non-thinking non-logical non-strategic troll-non-trolls that post here incessently. Saying stupid things because their fingers move faster than their brains, repeatedly, daily to ensure everyone should understand that nothing is happening and don’t ever try because nothing will ever happen.
    Again, and again, and again.


    UPs your Game bros

    Also, Charlotte is a hole.

    The only reason for it would be Interstate access
    There is a lot of construction and traffic sucks
    Typical low intelligence infrastructure designed light rail
    Total flop and horrible traffic because of poor timed rail crossings.

    Nothing should change by November


    Unless there is a compelling real estate reason for Charlotte, President Trump should also consider other larger locations unless it’s New Orleans in which case 100 per cent stay with Charlotte.

    Let us know soon, Mr. President. Please.

  9. I have a chance to break the deep state. It’s a vicious group of people. It’s very bad for our country.

    But that will break the international banksters. It’s a fabulous group of people. It’s very bad for myself.

  10. stirrin the pot, I totally agree with you.

    And I agree with Charlie WalksonWater, too. The Moses comparison is a bit flawed, but with a better ending.

    Instead of taking his people out of the nation they are living in, I want President Trump to remove the pharaohs (Deep State) from our nation (or any position of power or influence).

    Then, the ending – Moses wasn’t killed but ruled his people until his natural death. Unfortunately, President Trump won’t rule beyond 2024, but he can still be an influence for future political leaders.


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