Canada: Ontario nursing home report shows ‘heartbreaking,’ ‘horrific’ abuse of elderly, vulnerable – IOTW Report

Canada: Ontario nursing home report shows ‘heartbreaking,’ ‘horrific’ abuse of elderly, vulnerable

LifeSite: Malnourished and neglected residents, insect infestations, spoiled food, and a lack of proper safety precautions were included among the conditions alleged in the Canadian Armed Forces report.

ONTARIO, May 28, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — A Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) report alleging serious health and safety issues regarding the care of the elderly in five Ontario nursing homes casts a stark light on how society “dehumanizes” people, says the head of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition.

The Ontario provincial government publicly released a report by the 4th Canadian Division Joint Task Force to the public on Tuesday regarding the five Ontario long-term care homes.

The detailed report brought to light the alleged deplorable living conditions in the Ontario homes, including malnourished and neglected residents, insect infestations, spoiled food, and a lack of proper safety precautions.

In April, CAF personnel were brought in to help manage some of the worst affected long-term care homes in Ontario and Quebec because of the coronavirus. This came after the federal government approved a request from their provincial governments for help. more here

13 Comments on Canada: Ontario nursing home report shows ‘heartbreaking,’ ‘horrific’ abuse of elderly, vulnerable

  1. …Stuff like this makes me look forwards to dying in the upcoming Civil War.

    …Well, that, and the prospect of sending a few donkeys to hell in the process…

  2. These news stories turn my stomach.

    One day they are going to be senior citizens themselves.

    I pray these seasoned citizens get the justice and the compassionate care they need.

  3. I thank God for the integrity of our underfunded, underappreciated, under paid and overworked Canadian soldiers.

    The same soldiers that punch way above their weight with outdated weapons, poor government support, and a Prime Minister who does not respect them.

    Thanks Men & Women of the Canadian Armed Forces.


  4. This was the reason Turdeau wanted to pull them out early a few weeks ago.

    After stabbing our armed forces in the back for 5 years did he actually think that they would not find a way to tell Canada what was really going on just to maintain Turdeau’s lies to the Canadian people?

  5. I treasure nothing in life as much as the stories and wisdom passed down to me by the older generations. As they are quickly disappearing and I’m becoming one of them it saddens me that the youth today doesn’t want to listen. Glad I’m not going to be around a whole lot longer.

  6. I recall that my very first college thesis and in depth investigation in 1975 was about the deplorable conditions in nursing homes.

    Neglected people suffering from bed sores and worse.

    What is that? 45 years ago? Motherfucking dirtbags give donations to politicians and the hideous abuse rolls on.

  7. If people are getting killed in nursing homes, that means liberals are running things.

    The liberals had a great idea to shut down the economy and lock us in our homes and force us to wear masks to get groceries. They reveled in how much we don’t like it and they took great joy in our complaints.

    But in keeping score i find this.
    1. It was liberals who croaked from the virus.
    2. It is liberal cities that are burning to the ground. There just may be huge bonfires this weekend.

    They asked for it, and they’re getting it. Good and hard.

  8. PHenry
    MAY 29, 2020 AT 6:29 PM
    “I recall that my very first college thesis and in depth investigation in 1975 was about the deplorable conditions in nursing homes.

    Neglected people suffering from bed sores and worse.

    What is that? 45 years ago?”

    Amen @PH, I have documented here many times that I saw this as a teenager when my Grandmother had to be moved from one Home to another 40+ years ago, when I ran Squad as an adult 30 odd years ago, when visiting the wife’s relatives all over the mountains in more recent history, and as a church member holding services in homes in the area in more recent days.

    They are, were, and ever will be pissholes.

    It’s a structural thing. I’ve known people that work in them too, some that were very passionate on the subject and very earnest about helping the elderly for reasons of their own, even taking shit pay and deplorable working conditions to do so, only to get frustrated that the homes would not help them, did not welcome the enthusiasm, and frequently berated them over cost issues. There’s no moneyon that level of patient care and the home operators seem to regard themselves as death storage units, and … heres the best part …the patients will NOT get BETTER, so most earnest youngsters quit in frustration and seek more emotionally and physically rewarding jobs elsewhere, leaving these low-tier jobs to foreigners, retirees, and psychopaths.

    Nursing homes are odd places to work. The ceaseless cries of the good and demented punctuate the silence of the comatose who develop bedsores to the bone because no one rolls them.and they can’t roll themselves, all in a olfactory miasma of shit, piss, and decay with the more active inmates something like befuddled toddlers that sometimes weigh 300 pounds. It’s a frustrating place to work and don’t get too attached because most of your patients aren’t going to live very long, won’t remember you if they do, and couldn’t participate in their own health care if they wanted to.

    God Bless those few, usually close to retirement themselves, nurses who put up with these crap working conditions to try to help. That’s a rare demonstration of love of mankind right there.

    But they are too few, and overwhelmed by the careless and the sometimes nakedly evil. This is only made WORSE now that family can’t even monitor them, and will get worse still as more and more actual boomers need them.

    Keep Mom at home as long as you can. The best you can hope for out of these places is neglect.

    The worst is murder.

    And everything in between happens there too, unleashed by them now being completely on their own.


    …I used to be a bit more…proactive…about some things I saw, occasionally applying corrections it would be best not to detail to help certain folks understand that nursing home work was not … healthy … for them to continue. It may have helped in individual cases, but overall it was a fart in a teapot. It’s a systemic issue and, as Democrats continue to cheapen life and push euthanasia, it will only get worse.

    May the Lord help those people in the nursing homes.

    God knows no one else will…

  9. @supernightshade.

    My family used to visit a kindly old woman weekly, both when she lived in her own home and later when she was moved to a nursing home.

    The latter was awful and frightening. People screaming. People dying. It was the stuff of nightmares for a kid in their early teens.

    Just horrifying.


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