Trump Announces Punitive Action Against China — Terminates Relationship With WHO, Orders Barring Of Certain Chinese Students From Entering US – IOTW Report

Trump Announces Punitive Action Against China — Terminates Relationship With WHO, Orders Barring Of Certain Chinese Students From Entering US

Daily Caller: President Donald Trump took punitive action against China Friday over the country’s recent undermining of democracy in Hong Kong and coverup of the origins of the coronavirus pandemic.

The president announced the United States will prevent certain Chinese nationals, deemed potential security risks, from entering the country in order to ensure the integrity of the U.S. higher education system. Furthermore, he directed the “presidential working group on financial markets to study the different practices of Chinese companies listed on the U.S. Financial markets with a goal of protecting American investors.”

Trump additionally announced the U.S. is formally terminating its relationship with the World Health Organization for its role in helping China cover obscure the origins of the coronavirus pandemic, killing millions of people around the world. Trump added that funds normally reserved for WHO will go to other “deserving” global health needs.

9 Comments on Trump Announces Punitive Action Against China — Terminates Relationship With WHO, Orders Barring Of Certain Chinese Students From Entering US

  1. if you can keep your head about you while all men blame you…

    Trump is the man. Chaos all around but he stays focused and makes the right call even if it is a very hard call.

    God bless him and may God save us from the Democrat’s attempt to steal the election.

  2. Numerous times a few of us said civil war was coming and we were poo-pooed by some regulars here. Well here it is. China+Soros+Obama+FBI+CIA+Pelosi+Schumer+ WHO+Antifa+Liberal Courts+Crooked Media+BLM+CAIR+SPLC+Fascist Governors and Mayors. WE let it happen.

  3. “Some Chinese Students”? President Trump, you need to ban 100% of the Chinese that want to come here to attend school. As far as that goes, every other country not an ally of China also needs to do a 100% ban on their students as well.

  4. Not only bar “certain Chinese students”, bar ALL Chinese students.
    Kick out the ALL ones already here.
    Prevent ALL that want to come in.
    And those that are “graduated” and working in high tech/high security/bio (whatever), kick them out as well.
    Declare them all “persona non gratis”.
    Cancel all passports and visas.


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