Happy Birthday, ecp! – IOTW Report

Happy Birthday, ecp!

43 Comments on Happy Birthday, ecp!

  1. …may the Lord bless you with as many birthdays as those you love can stand you…

    …and may you meet them inside the Gates of Heaven to find out why it wasn’t MORE…

    …just kidding, ecp. Have a blessed and joyous day and may you continue to grace these pages with your wit and wisdom for many years to come.

    God Bless,

  2. Happy birthday, ecp! Gimme an address and I’ll send your present, either a gazillion Zimbabwean bucks with the overprinted strings of zeros or a bazillion Venezuelan bolivars!

    Seriously, though, I don’t do presents but I do happily send warm and respectful regards and best wishes to you!

  3. @sns, eternal cracker p, after it was changed from eternalp when everyone stuck a cracker in their names… the good old days, I’ve been hanging around this joint since 2009/10, can’t even remember the exact year anymore, lol. Tim, haha

  4. ecp JUNE 4, 2020 AT 5:41 PM
    “@sns, eternal cracker p, after it was changed from eternalp when everyone stuck a cracker in their names… the good old days, I’ve been hanging around this joint since 2009/10…”

    …thanks, I came in after that so I missed that boat…kind of glad because, like my posts, my handle’s too long already…

  5. @ecp – from a newbie, still, Happy B-day!

    Hope you bought something nice for yourself or went to a place you find special or maybe had some speghetti and meatballs or whatever your fave is…or hopefully all three?


  6. SNS – “…while we’ve got you, if it isn’t classified, what’s “ecp” stand for, if anything?…”

    ecp – “…sns, eternal cracker p, after it was changed from eternalp when everyone stuck a cracker in their names… the good old days…”

    First of all, happy birthday ecp. Hope you had good one.

    Second of all, to the question that sns asked you, I have always thought that it would be an interesting thread if iotw commenters would share the story behind their posting names. I think it would be interesting if not entertaining.

    Any chance of tht happening BFH?

  7. There was already a thread about a year or so ago for people to explain themselves and their names. Probably good to do it again.

    I grilled lamb chops marinated in garlic and rosemary. One of my favorites. Walked the family with dog around the hood. Recovering from meat sweats now. Cicadas are out, feeding them to the chickens. Did some gardening with the kids, my 16 yr old got his license yesterday and hasn’t driven anywhere yet, speaking of chickens. Rode the motorcycle thru loot stricken neighborhoods didn’t notice much. I got a yearly supply of beef jerky delivered monthly for a present, woot! Oh, and all them iotwr bucks!

    Thank ya’ll for the wishes, it really made my day. God bless!

  8. Claudia
    JUNE 4, 2020 AT 7:54 PM
    “stirrin the pot, I have one all ready to go.”

    …we did one several years back, Claudia, and I was going to link to it, but now that I see you’re brewing one, no spoilers so I WON’T! Besides, there’s some newer folk we need to hear from!

    ….if I could offer one suggestion, though…when BFH did it the last time, he “pinned” it so it would stay at the top for a long time, and got a very long thread as a result. Haven’t seen one “pinned” in awhile, but I assume you still CAN, if you want.

    …just a suggestion….

  9. To ecp – Happy Naked Day and To the day we know and the day we don’t wanna know, and to another rotation around the sun.

    Do you like you lamb chops with mint jelly or I am I alone on that?


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