Charlie Kirk Doesn’t Breathe for 5 Minutes and 20 Seconds – IOTW Report

Charlie Kirk Doesn’t Breathe for 5 Minutes and 20 Seconds

The Best Argument For President Trump’s Re-Election

h/t Jethro

16 Comments on Charlie Kirk Doesn’t Breathe for 5 Minutes and 20 Seconds

  1. Poor Benny was reduced to a nodding dashboard figurine as Charlie kept going faster and taking sharper and sharper curves on two wheels.

    I sure hope President Trump sees this.

  2. Can yew imagine him saying that to Jackass Joe!

    Jackass Joe: “Wait… you lost me at ‘Why is a Billionair from New York… ‘” as his left eye rotates CW and the right one rotates CCW!

  3. 5:20? I must admit sometimes when I watch videos I think β€œIs this thing over yet?” But when that 5:20 was over I was thinking it was more like 0:30.


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