must see video – IOTW Report

must see video

no description will do this video justice.

video here

27 Comments on must see video

  1. …and then they arrested him for anti-mask crimes to be named later, and probably called him racist too ’cause that’s what they DO when someone brings up FACTS n’stuff…

  2. JDHasty
    JUNE 28, 2020 AT 11:18 AM
    “In case they didn’t recognize it. That is what is known on the street as being dick slapped”

    …oh, they know, they’re just used to being the ones doing it to the REST of us…

  3. @ Supernightshade JUNE 28, 2020 AT 11:21 AM

    Only if ya let them.

    Ya want to know how to vamoose every elected official in attendance from a “town hall” or “listening session” or what ever bullshit phony baloney name the shitbags put on one of their one way enlightenments of the benighted around here?

    Have JDHasty walk in. It is like shining a light on cockroaches. They are there to dick slap the residents and they will if you let them.

    They exit stage right as soon as they see me. I demand they answer my questions and not use them to segue into their canned horseshit “response.” They cannot deal with that and disappear themselves before being put on the spot.

  4. @Exyirpates

    And the WHO does not endorse mask wearing. Says they’re worthless.

    Dr. (?) Anthony Fauxci said that wearing a mask is useless and it offers a false sense of security to the wearers and all the liberals around them.

    Most masks have holes so big that a virus “truck” could drive through them.

  5. CDC says that public infection rate is likely 10 times higher than declared. We know that deaths by COVID are exagerated.

    The Death Rate Is MUCH LOWER than stated.

    The news are all Screaming that numbers are going up & blaming Trump and states that have opened earlier. What they are not stating is that the numbers are going up DIRECTLY AFTER all the BLM Bullshit, Rioting, & Mass gatherings of Human Filth!

    Here is what I want:

    I want an ANTIBODY TEST readily available.
    What good is taking a test and waiting days to see if you have Plandemic. You could get infected 1 hour after taking the test. Indeed, sitting in line and letting a government incompetent jam a tube down your mouth or nostril IS a SOURCE of TRANSMISSION.

    If the population was antibody tested, the world would see that a huge number of people are already over this illness without major deaths of otherwise reasonably healthy people and the GLOBALIST CHYNA DICKSUCKERS would be EXPOSED!

    This disease conveniently paused during BLM but will end on Election day 2020!

  6. Nobody wants to hear it.
    Every member of that commission was doing the “jerk-off” hand signal while winking at each other.

    It’s the flu. The Wuhan Flu, but the flu, nonetheless. It’s always been the flu.

    Academia, Media, Demonrats (Socialists and Nihilists), Wall Street, WHO, CDC, Madison Ave., China, FBI, CIA, NSA, and all the other enemies of Freedom, Liberty, and Civilization conspired to bring about a PANIC to do the job that the late, half-assed, incompetent, injudicial, and un-Constitutional impeachment failed to do.

    Thank you, dude, for telling them … but they don’t give a shit.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. I posted this on “The Bullpen” a few hours ago, glad it turned into a thread.

    I love how he turns the page on his prepared speech even though he is not reading from it, classic.

    His argument lost some steam in the end; these “civil servants” don’t believe in Hell any more than they believe in God, it is power they covet, the threat of voting them out is the only thing that has teeth.

  8. The fact that these morons are ignoring his warning of the consequences of being Hell bent on destroy lives, makes their doomed eternity enevitable;
    Psalms 14:1
    1 “The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God.’ They are corrupt, They have done abominable works, There is none who does good.”

  9. Got to thinking. Dangerous I know.

    Using one of the numbers I’ve seen bantered about (some higher some lower) there’s a .2% death rate according to the latest from CDC for those who get the virus.

    The CDC also told you that 7% of those who die have no other contributing conditions.

    Let’s do the math (given the idea that you’re going to get the virus no matter what you do).

    10,000 getting the virus means twenty (20) are dead.
    Of the twenty, 1.4 of these die with no other contributing conditions

    The village I live in has a population of a little over eighteen thousand (18,000) people.
    That means almost three people who have no other contributing conditions might die from the virus if they get it.

    I believe they’ve probably buried a few more than three people over the last three or four months from other causes.
    Like maybe car accidents.
    Let’s ban automobile travel in the Village of XXXX because it’s killing more people than the virus.

    All this from numbers that I believe are greatly exaggerated.

    Now where did I put that mask? I have to leave for work…
    Oh that’s right, I don’t wear the damn things.

  10. They can shove their masks up their asses. I read this morning that some doctor group in our state is trying to get our governor to make them mandatory, he better stick to his damn guns or he better get ready to feed and clothe at least 65% of the state in jail.

    Or at least that’s what their latest study for the state says, 65% of residents have not worn a mask.

  11. What he SAID was excellent. What he should have done, however, was take off the fukkin mask. That he didn’t ruined it for me; he looked weak and ridiculous. (The guy sitting in back removed his mask to drink!)

  12. Ziegler had a podcast very early, in 2008, and was warning what we would get with Obama.
    He was the very first one I remembered warning of the Communist heading to the White House.
    He had a show with Pam Keys that was memorable.
    But they yanked him off the airwaves because the radio station didn’t like the truth airing on their airwaves.
    But then he later became a crazy Never Trumper. Very disappointing.

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