Will The Rolling Stones Get What They Want? – IOTW Report

Will The Rolling Stones Get What They Want?


For years, it has seemed as if Donald Trump can always get what he wants, at least when it comes to using classic rock and pop hits at his campaign rallies against the wishes of the original artists. But the Rolling Stones, who have tried for years to keep the president from appropriating “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” as his walk-off music, have not thrown in the towel.

On Saturday, the group sent out a statement saying it is enlisting BMI, the performing rights organization that oversees public use of the song, in their quest to keep the track from being used for politically partisan purposes. And the band says there’ll be a lawsuit if the president continues using the song without a license. More

30 Comments on Will The Rolling Stones Get What They Want?

  1. They’ve hated Trump for decades. IIRC, there was something in Richards’ bio about some confrontation while they were staying at one of his hotels.

    So he plays their songs to tweak them.

    He should play Rage Against the Machine next. Maybe their song with the video about how the FBI and CIA are crooked.

    Redo the whole video reenacting how they entrapped Flynn, Popadappadopoulous, Manafort, Stone, Page, etc.

  2. As long as we get what we need. The Stones have done so many drugs they shouldn’t be trusted with anything close to a thought process. They should change the name of that band to the Petri Dishes.

  3. If the venues where the President appears have a license then the use of the song is licensed. Period.

    It is not up to the person/group/act to get a license.

  4. There is a loop hole for song parodies, that how “Weird Al” Yankovic get by. Make up new lyrics and find someone to perform it.

    Contest for new lyrics begins in 3 – 2 – 1……..go.

  5. I saw her today at the funeral
    A glass of wine in her hand
    Finally Bill was dead and buried
    At her feet was her footloose man

    No, she’s still not President

  6. Joey can always use their song Sympathy For The Devil or A Friend Of The Devil Is A Friend Of Mine by the Grateful Dead as some of his theme music. And Donald Trump could play Spirit In The Sky by Norman Greenbaum played real loud or Jesus Is Just Right With Me by the Doobie Brothers.

  7. It had been awhile since packed arenas of cheering fans heard the Stones’ music. And then came Trump. Maybe they should be thanking him by suing the Deep State for the horrible abuse of “Crossfire Hurricane”.

  8. Trump should play it this way. At the end of the speech, apologize to the crowd for not being able to close with The Rolling Stones song.

    But you all know the lyrics.

    HIT IT!!!!

    The crowd could carry this tune for at least one verse.

    It would drive Keith, Mick and all liberals INSANE.

    How fantastic would that be?

    🎶You can’t always sue who you hate.

  9. I play music (used to, pre-ChinaVirus) at a bar that won’t pay ASCAP fees. That means NO COVERS. We can play only our own tunes, originals.
    Early on we’d see strangers in the audience who would record the first 10 to 15 seconds of each song. Allegedly they forward that to some watchdog who looks for cover tunes. Like any parasite, ASCAP is always looking for a host.
    I think it’s great. So much fun.

  10. Trump pays the maximum amount to the association to be able to use any and all songs , period.
    They can’t refuse him.
    That’s the contract they signed in order to get royalties for any venue that uses their songs.
    How else would Keith be able to afford the drugs that seem to keep him alive.

  11. Trump could own this song like Rush own’s the Pretenders ‘My City was gone’.
    When I listen to Pretenders after 20 seconds I expect to hear his voice.

    Pavlovian. I agree. To an extent.

    Keith Richards’ mediocre song was raised from the scrap heap and given new life.

    Now own it. As a crowd.

  12. The bigger musical threat today was from Ice Cube threatening Jake Tapper after posting a comment about the anti-semitic looney tune Farrakhan.

    How does the traffic cop at the intersection of political correctness assuage the threats from the racist millionaire victim in supporting a racist conspiracy theorist who killed Malcom X?


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