How Social Distancing Rules Are Created – IOTW Report

How Social Distancing Rules Are Created

Perhaps this is how social distancing rules are created. Social distancing guidelines are always created by the most intelligent individuals with the most amount of common sense.

h/t Left Coast Dan.

12 Comments on How Social Distancing Rules Are Created

  1. Whenever you hear or see the word social, used to describe a person, place, or thing in a sentence, that should be a red flag warning that there is no common sense. 🤔

  2. “How Social Distancing Rules Are Created”

    …there IS a DIFFERENT answer to this…

    …Imagine a graphic with a three-part panel, top, middle, and bottom. The top part says “This is your politician” over an image of a saggy, raddled, wetly spanked butt with the hole all reddish and bleeding, flecked with thick gobs of unwiped crusties, some of which have fresh tounge marks in them, and a corona of genital warts and obvious tool marks from anal pleasure devices along with claw marks from bygone hamsters.

    Below this is another image, this one titled “This is your politician producing Coronavirus guidelines”, with the above image, but now partly obscured by a humungous, veiny, tarry, peanut-flecked and corn-filled turd with red streaks down its sides from exiting the abused and hemerrhoidal orifice, with rivults of semen draining down channels that the warts dug in the sides on exit and across the embedded face of a deceased rodent with its frozen features clearly stamping the terror and horror of its suffocating death on its grisly, matted fur.

    The third panel is emblazed with the legend “This is your manditory Coronavirus guidance, immediate consumption is REQUIRED”, with the previously described and still fetidly steaming turd now displayed in the center of a plate of fine China (heh, “China”) underscored by the liquid that has deliquesced from it in a foetorous, pallid puddle, served with a garnish of scabs picked off herpetic mouths, drizzed with more of the secret “White Sauce” which ALSO has veins of red in it, and with a cloudy glass of brownish-yellow urine with floading “jellyfish” in it to wash it all down with.

    …that’s the Coronavirus guideline process from their end to your beginning. Closer to the election they will require all non-Democrats to be stitched into a Human Centepede to make SURE you don’t miss a single gobbet of “Coronavirus Guidance”, for your safety, of course…

  3. “And play some really tinkly piano music when you present the rules. Women respond to that.”

    “What about the men?”

    “They respond to the women.”

    “You are a wizard, Covid Custodian.”

  4. Social distancing? I don’t practice it. If you don’t want to be near me, then you beat feet. I’m not changing any of my daily practices for anyone or anything. If people want to be scared of germs, far be it for me to tell you to stay at home and let the rest of us live our lives in freedom.You’re not my mommy, quit telling me to wash my hands! WTF!


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