Virginia Independent Calls Newly-Elected Black Republican A ‘Token’ – IOTW Report

Virginia Independent Calls Newly-Elected Black Republican A ‘Token’

Daily Caller: An Independent Virginia politician who has, according to the Potomac Local News, received donations from Democrats called the new Republican chairman of Prince William County Soil and Water Conservation District a “token black person” in a Facebook comment.

Tiziana Bottino is a director of the Prince William County Soil and Water Conservation District, which watches and protects water and soil quality to stop pollution. Bottino made the comment about Tim Parrish on June 27, after Republicans in the county elected him as the new committee chairman. Parrish is a former U.S. Marine and has been working with the committee for nearly a year, according to Potomac Local News.

Bottino commented on a post in the Potomac Local News Facebook page. “Yay, now you have your token black person, congratulations! You’re officially diverse!” Bottino’s comment reads.

“Pretty racist to say they have to conform to a particular way of thinking based on race,” one Facebook user responded. “Tiziana Bottino that’s pretty racist of you,” another user said.

Bottino reportedly refused to respond to questions from the local news outlet about her comments. However, Parrish weighed in on her attack. more here

5 Comments on Virginia Independent Calls Newly-Elected Black Republican A ‘Token’

  1. Under accepted Democrat rules, only plantation blacks are eligible for government positions. Any black person pretending to have his or her own opinion, or thinking for themselves, is non-approved and therefore a token.

    The 50 year plus strangle hold on retaining the black vote while doing absolutely nothing for them must be maintained.

  2. So where is BLM on this? A white woman calls a black man (Republican or not) a token and they just stand there? Sure would be funny if members of BLM who weren’t either Dems or in it for the looting decided to have a peaceful demonstration outside her office.

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