Bush, Carter, And Obama Staff Collaborated With Chinese Communist Party-Funded Propaganda Conference Targeting U.S. Kids – IOTW Report

Bush, Carter, And Obama Staff Collaborated With Chinese Communist Party-Funded Propaganda Conference Targeting U.S. Kids

National Pulse: Confucius Institute headquarters, colloquially known as Hanban, has sponsored an annual National Chinese Language Conference (NCLC) since 2007.

It aims to amplify the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) funded initiatives, which masquerade as language and culture initiatives despite being a propaganda front, by “enhancing the capacity for teaching and learning of Chinese language culture by sharing cutting–edge practices and examples with educators and policymakers.”

Secretary of Defense and Intelligence Advisory Board Chair under President Obama Chuck Hagel delivered the opening keynote at the 2012 NCLC.

Joe Biden-endorser Hagel remarked on a “new world order” emerging, extolling the merits of a “global community underpinned by a global economy.” He expounds upon the importance of a “platform, a relationship, and a structure of common interests for common purpose based on some values we share.”

John Negroponte, appointed Director of National Intelligence and later Deputy Secretary of State under President George W. Bush, also spoke at the conference alongside Hanban Director Xu Lin and Chinese Ambassador Zhang Yesui, individuals with an extensive history working for the CCP. more

11 Comments on Bush, Carter, And Obama Staff Collaborated With Chinese Communist Party-Funded Propaganda Conference Targeting U.S. Kids

  1. The thievery amongst this thicket of deep state connivers is broad and deep. Rule of thumb….
    If a product says MADE IN CHINA you don’t need it and it will stop functioning within a year.

  2. I never voted for the leftist GWB! I voted against openly American hater JFK in ’04. There is a very big distinction!
    If you were too poor to “Take out your wallet AND PAY ATTENTION” before 2000 you may not have know that GWB was a far left lib! But after the entire Rove/Bush clique said VOTE CLINTON!!!! Oct ’16 even a poor man should know GWB is/was a progressive!

  3. @an ol exJarhead

    I never was fond of the Bushes but bad as they were, their opponents would be competing with Obama for the title of worst president ever. I wonder how much different the world would be today had Bush Sr. finished the job when we first went into Iraq.

  4. Bush and Kerry were both Skull & Bones secret
    society members at Yale. Both are NWO Satanists.
    Prove me wrong said LouderCrowder.

  5. “a structure of common interests for common purpose based on some values we share.”

    and when will we ask ourselves just what are those values and common interests and common purpose they share?

    we are at war and so far only one side is committed to engage in this battle.
    we didn’t want this war, but it has been thrust upon us.

    how are we going to respond?

    are we going to crawl into our basements that those fighting against us just crawled out of and hide like they have hid for years?

  6. majorityofone

    I beg to differ

    DISCLAIMER: I have a personal interest here, do not claim impartiality!

    Gen Zinni co-wrote a good book in ’04. Summary GWB does not want to win!

    GWB had Navy prosecute 120 Jarheads and 12 SEALS for actually trying to win! “The war on Terror” was spending $millions weekly to put Americans in the brig! GWB’s acolyte cut back the cost of “The War on Terror” by ending the war on Americans,
    Of the 120 Jarheads GWB wanted in the brig only 2 were sent. Unfortunately 6 of the SEALS are making big rocks little!

    I personally donated $ to the defense of 2 Jarheads. But they spent $thousands defending against Bush! I had a Froggy friend who died fighting Moa’s boys 67 years ago. the last 25 years I’ve had several SEAL friends. GWB spent hundreds of $millions trying to hurt American in his so called “War on Terror”!

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