Lefty Anchor Has Pouty Face When Pediatricians All Say Kids Should Go Back To School – IOTW Report

Lefty Anchor Has Pouty Face When Pediatricians All Say Kids Should Go Back To School

ht/ hot salsa

17 Comments on Lefty Anchor Has Pouty Face When Pediatricians All Say Kids Should Go Back To School

  1. Why are the most ignorant people on Earth being allowed to shape policy of anything? Why are thieves, liars and murderers given any kind of legitimacy? This is not rule of law. This is rule by the lawless.

  2. Gladys – I would phrase your very good question a little differently…
    Why is the Media invested in shaping, creating and fabricating the news instead of verifying stories, getting them right and just reporting them factually?

  3. The left is on a mission to destroy and replace every American institution. Education is an American institution. If they can’t do it with virus fear, they’ll do it with violence.

  4. Lefty Anchor Has Pouty Face When Pediatricians All Say Kids Should Go Back To School

    It’’s the ‘Lefty Anchor’ that really needs to go back to school.

  5. How about if you don’t want your kids back in school then keep them out, in the long run they might learn something useful. You have options you know. Or did you want to punished other people?

  6. I’ve said it before, my husband is a pediatric infectious disease doctor and I am a pediatric nurse practitioner–we would send our kids to school (if they weren’t adults now!) What is hysterical to us is that the Academy of Pediatrics, who firmly believe children should be in school and have published a letter saying just that–are the biggest leftist organization there is. It is funny because they are on the same side at President Trump–it must be killing them!


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