Trump’s Warning That Biden Would ‘Abolish the Suburbs’ Isn’t Racist, and It Isn’t Hyperbole, Either – IOTW Report

Trump’s Warning That Biden Would ‘Abolish the Suburbs’ Isn’t Racist, and It Isn’t Hyperbole, Either

PJMedia: President Trump began highlighting Joe Biden’s horrific housing policy in a speech on July 16. The president is framing the policy in stark language by letting voters know that Joe Biden wants to “abolish the suburbs.” It would be great if this were hyperbole, but it is not.

As Trump mentions, Biden’s policy will put local zoning in the hands of federal bureaucrats. To receive HUD grants and highway funds, communities will need to agree to eliminate zoning for single-family housing. The president then correctly draws the conclusion that housing values will go down in areas where this policy is implemented. more here

11 Comments on Trump’s Warning That Biden Would ‘Abolish the Suburbs’ Isn’t Racist, and It Isn’t Hyperbole, Either

  1. Seattle has been on the forefront of such crap for years. My son and his wife were raised in West Seattle. They don’t even recognize it anymore, not they go back that often.

  2. First the Dementiacrats ruined almost all of the inner cities in America’s most prominent and successful big cities, and now they want to ruin the suburbs where the productive citizens fled to avoid the wreckage wrought by their progressive policies. Detroit and Baltimore come to mind as good examples of their ruination of America’s cities. Vote like your lives depended on this election in 105 days, or get ready to move to the Great Plains. Sort of like the Grapes of Wrath in reverse.

  3. Biden and the democrats and their cheerleaders in media will not be able to understand that normal people, and yes we still outnumber drooling leftists, are about to get their asses handed to them in November. Provided that the ballot box has not been corrupted in the socialist fascist manner. That is the battlefront.

  4. POTUS knows this issue quite well.

    0bama try to implement this in places like Westchester County and other suburbs, but Westchester itself was more or less targeted as the example. I believe non other than Andrew Cuomo, was the HUD secretary at the time(my timing may be off there, maybe not).

    If not for a certain person named Rob Astorino, county chief exec., he was responsible for blocking that BY and with the help of…and get a load of this? White soccer moms that VOTE for liberals to ‘change their neighborhoods’, ultimately.

    Very sick shit going on. Like it IS a mental disorder or something?

    Oh btw, ‘American Suburbia’ is 40% non white.

    @Marco – we are taking a recon/roadtrip to the Dakotas in a week so I’ll let YOU know. If you live along the way tell @BFH@Claudia@MJA and we could have a coffee or tea.

  5. When will Patriots fight back? We don’t need to kill, we need to taunt and ridicule. We need to shame all “journalists” that assume ridiculous pretenses. Tell them if asked for your opinion. But let’s not get deadly, like the Antifa, Brown Shirts, or Black Panthers (SOS, Weathermen, and Obama’s private force). One thing that might work: Go to the nighttime “Peaceful Protests” and add CO2 and more. DO NOT SPRAY DIRECTLY AT UPPERINCOME DEMONSTRATORS WITH GENDER DEGREES WISHING THAT YOU DIE! Remember that scene from Terminator 2. CO2 extinguishes flames (fire=fuel+O2+spark). That CO2/Helium sounds fun! Let the Police pick up all the high talker/gasping for breath law breakers. Plus lower flames.


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