The MLB is dead to me – IOTW Report

The MLB is dead to me

Not watching. Don’t care.

ht/ jd hasty

51 Comments on The MLB is dead to me

  1. he’s right. Sports was a distraction but they stole all the fun out of it by telling me in no uncertain terms that they hate me. If they were on fire i’d by marshmallows.

  2. Sports stars were looked up to back when
    I was a kid as a role model.Yes many of them
    had drug,drinking,gamleing,and what-ever but
    they maintained a country loving God fearing
    presence.Could you imagine Ted Williams kneeling
    for the flag & anthem ??? Now that would have ended
    his career “and how” as Alfalfa would say.
    I never did care for “ball” sports at all. I
    like pro surfing and bad azz drag racing and IMSA,SCCA
    racing, formula I II III and IV, but not nascar EVER.

  3. Keep it up, nut jobs!
    I’m saving money left and right from all the crap I’m not buying.
    You had the goose that laid the golden eggs and you killed it.
    We were stuck in our houses looking for entertainment and we were ready to spend money to get it.
    But you had to take a knee and start telling me how I am implicitly biased against you. You’re right, you’re assholes and don’t deserve my money.
    I’m reading books from the library,. I’m listening to free podcasts about anything and everything.
    Screw you NFL, MLB, Nascar, Netflix, Hollywood, etc.
    By the way, MLB, why were all your cardboard cutouts white?

  4. The whole baseball season this year is a major league joke. Starting nearly 4 months late in order to play only 60 games in empty stadiums and ballparks with cardboard cutouts for fans is not my idea of baseball. I am so sick of this year becoming an excuse for this country to give up, hide under the covers and pretend this wu flu crisis is the worst thing that has ever happened is utter bullshit. I want my country back to normal not this totally fucked up media driven catastrophe foisted upon us because of the lefts absolute hatred for President Trump and everything good about America. Social justice is no justice since it’s only so called justice for select victim groups at the expense of the majority of the American people. I love baseball but this year I may pass and hope that next year will bring a return to normalcy but we’ll see.

  5. Look, we can live without tv sports, tv shows, stupid movies and bad books.

    You’ll be amazed how rich your life will become. And don’t fret: there are old movies and tv shows to enjoy, youtube and videos to watch and friends to enjoy and great books to re-read (or read to begin with).

    The upshot: you will become happier, smarter and destroy the left in the process. We can start over.


  6. Hoover Institute has several podcasts, Uncommon Knowledge, The Classicist with the incomparable Victor Davis Hanson, I’m getting smarter just listening to them!
    Plus, it gives me hope!

  7. Leftists have destroyed everything, schools, sports, television, movies, even many Churches.
    I was thinking that tonight when I was flipping through the tv and started watching an old western that it wasn’t that long ago when I could watch tv for the entertainment value and escape reality for a little while, now it only pisses me off with queer commercials, mask commercials, queer tv shows, ignorant leftist actors I can’t stand.

  8. I have wondered since the 1970s, or there about, how much longer the “organized sports builds character” charade was going to go on. In the abstract it might be a logical deduction, but in practice it has never impressed me that this statement has much, if any, resemblance to reality.

    Just like hunting. It depends. It can.

    It can, but just as often it doesn’t do any such thing.

  9. @Ann Thracts: “We’re virtually in the “Bread & Circus” stage of America’s demise. What’s happening to the ‘Circus’?”

    Today’s circus is a mob of people so angry with me for living in a nice neighborhood that they burn down their own neighborhood, loot the stores, and shoot each other in protest.

  10. Its a damn shame, all major league sports are done, the players have not a clue, in 3 years they will all be going where is my money.
    It will take down collage sports also,it is are ready happening, Stanford has cut 19 sports programs this year.
    I love watching all sports, all that is left is Golf.
    I hope they don’t screw that up.

  11. Geoff C. The Saltine, yes it is already happening to college sports. Look at Oklahoma State’s running back, a punk ass from Canada is now running the school I guess. He comes out against the coach for wearing a shirt, the school comes down on the coach, the coach bows down and apologizes and takes a pay cut.
    Then the little punk ass comes out against the AG for charging the domestic terrorists. He now I guess thinks he so important he can run the state.

    We’ve always been a sports family, we played sports, our kids played sports, we watched sports, but this shit will keep trickling down.

  12. You can watch the games from back in the 1950s (lol that sounds so far away!) up until all the stupid happened.

    What’s with all the thick jewelry, constant spitting, chewing with their mouths open and grabbing their balls now, anyway? It’s like half of them have OCD or something.

  13. so sad, so very sad. I know that the vast majority of the sports industry does not care one bunny fart what I think or believe.

    they do not care that since I was a little kid I worshipped those ‘immortals’ of baseball, football, basketball, car racing (I give out hope that the NHL will not fall for this crap). I tuned in to every baseball, football game, car race (& home-town hockey game) that I could.

    I brought tickets to every game that I could afford to go to, including minor league & college games. I brought mass quantities of memorabilia, pennants, jerseys, stickers, flags, countless cold hot dogs & warm beer, seat cushions, peanuts, popcorn, crackerjacks, nachos & melted cheese product in miniature -batting helmets, greasy pork-encased products passed off as ‘bratwurst’ something-or-other

    …. no more … you have the nerve to wipe what I value in your ‘hurt’? you have the nerve to tell me that you value lawlessness over law? you have the never to tell me that America is worse than your Utopian alternative?

    I don’t see any of you running off to China, or Russia, or Cuba, Venezuela, Germany, Ethiopia, Mexico, or countless other countries because you are so ‘oppressed’ & ‘not making your fair-share’. No, you’re all here … complaining about your miserable lives … & what I must do to alleviate your ‘pain’

    as I said in the beginning … NO MORE! … you will receive NO MORE from me. I will encourage everyone I see, meet, communicate with to do the same

    learn a lesson from a dead white male … you have cooked the goose that laid the golden egg


  14. I caught a replay of the 1968 World Series, where the Cardinals’ Bob Gibson struck out like a record 19 Detroit Tigers.
    It was a day game.
    What was absolutely amazing was ALL the men in the stands had white shirts and ties, the women were in Sunday dresses.

  15. My Grandpa used to take my Mom to major league games back in the day. I still have their ticket stub’s and program’s.

    He once wrote to Lou Gehrig, after he was diagnosed, and he sent my Grandpa a signed photograph. He hung that picture with pride in his workshop, and there it stayed till both my Grandpa and Grandma passed away.

    He would really be saddened that everything they loved to do is gone, destroyed, finished. Sigh, 😢 nothing stays the same, but at least we have the cherished memories of yesteryear, that these SOB’S of sport’s today cannot take away. ⚾

  16. @Agatha Sane here, and thank you for mentioning those podcasts. Mr. Illustr8r is reading books and everything we are watching is- old.

    Maybe because Seattle is on fire I started watching feel good old shows of when it wasn’t.

    I watch Frasier when I make dinner, almost done with Season9.

    We’re into season 4 of Northern Exposure on dvd. It’s 30 years old! I’d been in Seattle 3 years. People would visit and we’d head out to Roslyn WA where it was filmed and it was just cool! We are enjoying seeing the baggy 90’s clothes. 😆 Street scenes in Seattle show no crowds, homeless Or rioters.

    However, I don’t remember it being preachy but there have been episodes on global warming, feminism and my jaw dropped but yes- white privilege. Thing is, they always include “the other side” and those opinions are respected too. Agree to disagree. Dr. Joel Fleischman is a Jewish Republican. When he stated he was a Republican we both said, “Wow!”

  17. Blacks are superior athletes to all other races in all sports but swimming. Ironically this proves NASCAR is not a sport or Bullshit Bubba would dominate there also.

    So it’s no real surprise that sports franchises would buckle under the magnitudes of Marxist pressure. Baseball held out longer than most any other sport.

    The simple single fact of life always comes down to money. Until the backlash hurts more than helps they will all take the leftist knee.

    The jackboot of cultural communism is firmly on the neck of the team owners and blacks are pawns yet again to Karl Marx, you would think sooner or later they would figure this out.

    Leftist are the most virulent racists, they support the murder of millions of future blacks annually and black economic slavery has continued under a different plantation master since reconstruction.

    Until blacks walk away, and millions will in November they will always be owned by the Demonrat party and they will always suffer until they liberate themselves from communism.

  18. A dozen cities burning and occupied by mobs who tear down statues of Washington, Jefferson, Columbus and Jesus beg to differ that they are kneeling in protest of police brutality.

    No one is making anyone stay here by the way.

    The time is now to pass a bill to pay people to leave the country, renounce their citizenship and never be approved for a travel visa which cannot be rescinded by a future Congress or President.

  19. Illustr8r
    Doing the same thing here. Binge watching Fraiser, love that show. Commercial free is the only way to avoid the damn SJ woke commercials these days. I have all 11 seasons on my iPad and phone and use Apple TV to watch.

  20. Pro Ball killed itself starting 2 decades ago when taking your kids to a game price was jacked to cost over a hundred bucks. The dads stopped going, the kids were not brought into the culture and grew up ignoring it. They grew up and are doing the same with their kids. At the pre-WhuFlu ball diamonds in the playgrounds you almost never saw a practice or a game going on. It’s Dead. All these assholes are doing is throwing their stinking political dirt on the corpse to an audience of cardboard dummies. And that wraps up the game, folks.

  21. From national pasttime to kneeling social justice marxist warriors in less than a generation. Decay and destruction can happen fast. Loved it years ago dont plan to watch a single at-bat again. Unless its high school or japanese. Mlb can shove their left wing bull ***

  22. “Fans” want to be abused – they are fanatic about their games.
    “Hero Worship” involves worship.
    It’s an honor for them to be pissed on by the object of their fandom.

    There will (probably) be a little falling off of viewership and then a swift recovery.
    As long as the $Billions keep rolling in from advertisers the shit-headedness will continue.

    izlamo delenda est …

  23. I have been a WATCHER of American sports since 1967 and have been a faithful Saints fan. Over the last 10 years I have watched the sPOORts in America go FULL BLOWN POLITICAL and has turn out JUST LIKE PRO WRESTLE insanity. I WILL NO LONGER SUPPORT OR WATCH OR EVEN IDENTIFY THIS CRAZINESS AS SPORTS!!!!
    Color me the HEcK out of here!

  24. The Red Sox are my daughters favorite team and she’s glad that baseball is back even if it’s a short season. And my son loves the Dodgers so the 2 of them don’t see eye to eye on baseball. I’m going to pass because of all the SJW bullshit this year even though I’m a diehard Seattle Mariners fan. Like I said before, this year is a big joke and I’m sick of all the politically correct bs that has disrupted everything in this country to where nothing but God makes sense anymore.

  25. Reading is my entertainment.

    I may have stated this before on this forum, but history has every kind of entertainment…maybe not dancing for prizes, but everything else I can think of: horror, tragedy, drama, humor, and just plain crazy stuff. Very bad events, very good events, and everything in between.

  26. Joey would probably eat green eggs and spam. And think that the Cat in the hat is a real life character and be able to recite One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish. Especially the part about the fish with the red star, say what a lot of commie fish there are.

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