Chinese Factory Manager: ‘There Are No Human Rights in Xinjiang’ – IOTW Report

Chinese Factory Manager: ‘There Are No Human Rights in Xinjiang’

Perhaps he should email the NBA, and the rest, and let them know.

Breitbart: Human-rights watchdog Bitter Winter published an interview Sunday with a garment factory manager in China’s Xinjiang province who said the thousand or so Uyghur Muslims who work for his operation are used as slave laborers, despite the regime’s assurances that work programs in the province are a benefit to local participants.

Bitter Winter’s correspondent is a Han Chinese man who was interviewed using the pseudonym “Wang Hao.” Wang said his Uyghur workers are forced to take a military-style run every morning before working 13-hour days for wages of roughly $70 a month in U.S. currency.

Wang said workers at his factory live on the premises and are “rarely allowed to return home during their days off.” 

Work requirements in Xinjiang force women and even minor children to work at these grueling jobs, with the children sometimes delivered to factories by work programs at their schools. Worse still, Wang confirmed dark rumors that Uyghurs imprisoned in Chinese camps where they supposedly experience “transformation through education” are forced to work without any compensation at all.

“The government calls these camps ‘education training classes,’ but they are jails, where detainees must work most of the time,” Wang said.

“What the state wants is not to lessen poverty, but to transform Uyghurs’ ideology,” he said, contradicting the official Chinese Communist Party (CCP) narrative of happy Uyghurs graduating from “vocational training” and eagerly taking jobs provided by anti-poverty programs. read more

9 Comments on Chinese Factory Manager: ‘There Are No Human Rights in Xinjiang’

  1. If we’re sanctioning these companies, can’t we assume that a country that scoops eyeballs and kidneys out of living human beings is rife with this behavior?

    What happened with FOXXCOM, the company making Apple products who had so many workers throwing themselves out of high windows they put nets around the buildings? Did FOXXCOM “meet their demands”? yeah, talk to google about those news stories.

    Bet your ass that if a story like this does make it out, there are dozens that our media overlords have stifled. Which begs 2 questions

    Why the fuck are Republicans in Congress ignoring the censorship of free speech being imposed on us by google, fb and Twitter?

    And why the fuck are we importing so much from China?

    We all know why, those cushy lifestyles are just too fucking alluring. Even to the point of selling your soul.

  2. The Chinks grant the same human “rights” that all other socialist tyrannies grant.

    And when your “rights” come from gov’t you can’t expect any except those which benefit that gov’t – which is why our Founders declared that our Rights come from God.

    We have abandoned much – but the Chinks have less – their “rights” are arbitrary and conducive to their “legal” system which is nothing more than “Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer.” The individual is subsumed in the morass of the socialist/fascist flavor of totalitarianism.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I estimate there are thousands of Chinese
    spies in America at every economic & social
    level.From janitors to Fienstein’s chauffer…

  4. I’m sure he is reporting the truth. Fifteen years ago I attended a two week company training school in Cleveland. In my class was a guy from Shanghai, who would normally be sent to a similar training center in Honk Kong, but they had no classes scheduled for several months. Resulting in him being sent to the training center in the USA.

    Anyway, he told me that in China there is no safety net, no workers compensation, or any similar type program of any kind. If someone became disabled and unable to work, due to illness or injury at work or at home, they were just fired. They would be fired for complete disability or partial disability if that made them a less efficient worker.

    No income, no separation pay, nothing. Same treatment for long time employees or relative new hires. They would just be fired, and with no income quickly be thrown out of their apartment, with only family or friends to depend on for shelter or food. If they had any nearby who were willing to take them in or help them in someway. I can easily believe that people the CCP leaders do not like are treated worse.

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