Vermont: Burlington Votes To Paint Over 124 ft. Long Mural Titled “Everybody Loves A Parade!” – IOTW Report

Vermont: Burlington Votes To Paint Over 124 ft. Long Mural Titled “Everybody Loves A Parade!”


A controversial mural in Vermont’s largest city is back in the spotlight, ahead of an expected decision on how to take it down.

“I felt misrepresented,” said Burlington City Councilor Ali Dieng, I-Ward 7, who voted to cover or remove the panels that form “Everyone Loves a Parade!” by the end of this month.

The council voted 11-1 earlier this year to speed up the removal, which originally was set for a longer timeline. More

More details about the mural from the Library of Congress Archive Here

According to Wikipedia, there are 42,891 people living in Burlington. Approximately 85.7% of them are white, 4.9 % black and a smattering of other ethnic origins makes up the rest.

13 Comments on Vermont: Burlington Votes To Paint Over 124 ft. Long Mural Titled “Everybody Loves A Parade!”

  1. “I feel misrepresented” said council member Ali Dieng.

    Of course you do Ali, you’re a filthy piece of sub human garbage that belongs back in some 3rd world cesspool.

  2. VT is more screwed up than Maine.
    That mural represents our history. If Ali wants a mural representing his self centered ass he could have one commissioned. But that isn’t what this is really about. It’s about erasing our history.

  3. There seems to be no peaceful end to our conflicts in sight anywhere in America as near as I can tell.

    Do you see something different, something I’m overlooking?

  4. According to Dementia Joe, this mural is in New Hampshire. So the smattering of Other Colored People in Burlington, Vermont shouldn’t have any thing to complain about. It portrays two of the worst Senators in the history of this other State prominently displayed among the other Lefties who have helped destroy the Dementiacrat Party, so burn it down and replace it with a memorial to Fidel Castro and Che Guevara. Just do it before the Massholers drive up to vote in New Hampshire.


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