After Chauvin Acquittal the Country is Going to Burn – IOTW Report

After Chauvin Acquittal the Country is Going to Burn

32 Comments on After Chauvin Acquittal the Country is Going to Burn

  1. It appears that George Floyd was complicit in his own death. If this is the case against the cops they will probably get off and Minneapolis will burn baby burn.

  2. That was their plan all along. To hide the evidence and create riots, then when it comes out in the trial and the excellent cop is acquitted, riot some more because he ‘got off’.

    And as they are burning the country down we’ll have to listen constantly to how they are mostly peaceful and how the cops and national guard and the defense secretary and every one else should bow to them.

  3. Floyd was just the excuse in the first riots and the juries and courts will tee up the next excuse.
    Things had scarcely been better in this country before all the riots and virus problems yet here we are.
    It’s more to do with the combination of spoiled youth mixed with democrat grievance mongering that got us here. F%ck em both.

  4. “No, just the little blue parts. Fire extinguisher sales are way up in the big red parts.”

    Exactly. Three guys with AR15s can do one hell of a lot of “defensive damage”. The Libtard communities will self ignite in protest. Shrewd.

  5. I think the Rodney King riot comparisons are valid, but…
    I think there is a far, far greater awareness now of that potential, and in most places preparation will quickly bat down any attempts to riot.
    Of course then there are the blue places…

  6. “and in most places preparation will quickly bat down any attempts to riot.”

    We had ANTIFABLM pay a highly advertised visit to El Dorado Hills. I was pleasantly surprised to see the amount of homeowners standing outside their million plus dollar homes in full kit and carrying ARs.

  7. “The country is going to burn no matter what. The Orcs need only the flimsiest of excuses as it is. Stop playing their stupid games.”

    It’s funny, because God used to use fire and brimstone for Sodom and Gomorrah. Now, he uses gasoline and stupid people..

  8. Mostly peaceful?

    Yea right.

    WTF, why wait? Let’s get this party started, the sooner we deal with those bastards once and for all the sooner we can enjoy a few decades respite from their temper tantrums.

  9. CC
    We are, and have been since Rod almost 30 years. Most of us are not white; but we all know FREEDOM IS NOT FREE! I was not with them on their shops’s roofs but if the America haters come near me they will meet their maker! If I don’t get ’em a friend will!


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