AOC may not be given speaking slot at Democratic convention – IOTW Report

AOC may not be given speaking slot at Democratic convention

Wa Ex: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez might not be given a time slot to speak at the Democratic National Convention later in August.

“I don’t think so,” Democratic strategist and former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell told Politico when asked if Ocasio-Cortez will speak at the convention. “I think Bernie and Warren will speak, and they’ll represent the progressive wing of the party very ably.”

“If you picked AOC, why wouldn’t you pick Katie Porter, or why wouldn’t you pick Madeleine Dean or Mary Gay Scanlon?”

The list of speakers is expected to be announced during the second week of August, according to the New York Post.

The progressive wing of the Democratic Party that Ocasio-Cortez represents is expected to receive attention at the convention in the form of Sen. Bernie Sanders, who ran for president against Joe Biden but dropped out of the race in early April. more here

16 Comments on AOC may not be given speaking slot at Democratic convention

  1. Did you know that it was a Republican Senate that finally initiated the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, giving women the right to vote?

    Women’s Suffrage was defeated four times in a Democrat-lead Senate before Republicans gained the majority and passed it for consideration by the states.

    Then, it was Republican-lead state houses who carried the Amendment.

    Just as they did with Amendments giving blacks the vote, Democrats fought hard against women’s voting rights.,the%20principle%20of%20equal%20pay%20for%20equal%20work.

  2. Believe me…if AOC wants to speak at the convention…she’ll get a slot. She might be dumb…but she’s got all the radical catchphrases necessary to have become the defacto leader of this new, radical Democrat Party.

  3. Even Barry “The Fraud” Sotero didn’t mention her when her gave his shout out to NY communists he wants to get elected. So the demo-commies must fear her and the damage she’d do to them, but their leading light Biden wants her on his Green Eggs and Ham new energy committee…


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