One Of The Nation’s Premier Nuclear Weapons Lab Forces White Employees To Be “Reeducated” On Race – IOTW Report

One Of The Nation’s Premier Nuclear Weapons Lab Forces White Employees To Be “Reeducated” On Race

Washington Free Beacon

Sandia National Laboratories, a government-contracted nuclear weapons laboratory, required its white male employees to participate in a racial reeducation seminar, leaked documents reveal.

At the three-day training session, called, “White Men’s Caucus on Eliminating Racism, Sexism, and Homophobia in Organizations,” participants were encouraged to examine their privilege as white, heterosexual men. Christopher Rufo, a visiting fellow at the Heritage Foundation and contributing editor at City Journal, leaked documents from the seminar, which took place in September 2019, in a tweet on Wednesday. More

22 Comments on One Of The Nation’s Premier Nuclear Weapons Lab Forces White Employees To Be “Reeducated” On Race

  1. I’ve done a considerable amount of work for Sandia. With several different engineering groups. And I can say without a doubt, the weirdest MoFos I’ve ever met. I’ve also done a lot of work for Lawrence Livermore Labs (another DOE) and those guys are some of the smartest MoFos I’ve ever met. Must be location.

  2. gubmint d-sucker “trainers” can examine my white privilege after i’ve wiped my a** with it, there will be multiple opportunities. those not liking white stuff can stop using toilet paper.

  3. Our black hr manager set up some bullshit like that, but 95% of us work in the field and no one showed up to her stupid meeting except the office pukes. My excuse was that I had an electrical rough inspection that day.

  4. Racial re-education? Everyone should have to ride partner with the PD and the FD in the hood. That will show you the reality that us poor bastards have to try to deal with . It ain’t what they show you on TV or the movies.

  5. Where does one apply for a refund of confiscated money (taxes)? Reparations so to speak for all the wasteful expenditures of tax dollars by government pukes, freaks and assholes!

  6. Smart doesn’t mean jack shit. People who think of themselves as smart have this delusion that it is important.

    Has anyone ever accused Hitler of not being smart? Was he a dummy? He gassed the Jews because he ‘wasn’t smart’?

    And good looking people think that is the be all and end all.

    Wisdom is the principal thing.

  7. I am betting that sooner or later the same thing as on campuses, mandatory diversity and globalism courses, will be mandatory for all of us, probably required to renew a drivers license.

  8. “Hello, I’m J. Robert Oppenannus and I’m here to interview with Dr. Barbara Rosenbottom about the position at Sandia.”

    “Hiiii. Welcome to Sandia, Robert. I’m Becky Hasbenonim. Have you been privilege-screened yet?”

    “Ah, no Ma’am, I haven’t. What is that exactly?”

    “We’ll, it’s basically an attutude AND aptitude test to determine your ability to adapt to life here at Sandia. Back out this door, and first door on your left. (Hands him an authorization form.)

    🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 “This is a Public Address System ALERT! White Male Privilege detected, Level Four, Severe. Close all doors, secure ventilation and communications, and, shelter in place until further notice.”

    “What do we do with him, Doctor. He’s the first!”

    “Send him to the Rad Lab immediately. They’ll clean him up. Then have him flushed. I can smell white superiority through the glass!”

    “Then what? This level of superior contamination has never been encountered before!!”

    “Eh, he’s related to that Oppenheimer scientist. Just have Rosenbottom interview his ass like she wants. I’m starting to hate that bimbo bitch anyway.”

    🚨 “This is a Public Address System ALERT! White Male Privilege detected, Level One, Mild. The words ‘ass’ and ‘bimbo bitch’ are not allowed. All male heads down on desks for 60 seconds.”

  9. Good grief. Darned glad I’m old enough to be retired and out of the modern workforce environment before this kind of BS started flowing into every nook and cranny. It’s more infectious, and fatal than covid-19. Living in a rural area five miles out side a small town helps, too.

  10. My old Oregon neighbor retired from Lawrence Livermore Lab and would bring his dog JD down to our house for a play date with our mutt. While the dogs played we drank beer and talked about how good it was to be out of commifornia. He had told me that there was always some kind of strife or tension in the air and couldn’t wait to get away from it, although he is a black man himself he never mentioned anything about race being a factor, mainly just generic assholes needing attention!

  11. Doc

    The peeps I worked with at Lawrence Livermore were all highly educated. PHD’s and such. They were capable of making much more money in the private sector but if they wanted a bazillion dollar piece of equipment to play with, the Lab got it for them. These people were smart before they were educated and loved their job. It was great working with them. Someday I’ll fill you in on NIF. Quite a story. From conception. International intrigue and shit.

  12. My company just announced they would be increasing the proportion of blacks and women in the workforce. Funny, they never mentioned that this adjustment would have to come from my white male sector or if these new hires had qualifications equivalent to mine.

    So, anyone hired in these categories and in this time period, I will consider an affirmative action hire and their abilities suspect. This nonsense has the opposite effect and is an insult to everyone. Sigh.

  13. Soooooooo … instead of sending their peeps to re-education classes why aren’t they just hiring all those Affirmative Action negroes, mulattoes, mexicans, indians, africans, arabs, sherpas, esquimeax, samoans, meth heads, junkies … well … all the non-white privileged maggots out there running the streets?

    I don’t get it …

    izlamo delenda est …

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