Full disclosure. There is still a shadow site that takes place in an email ring, sort of like what started it all for us 12 years ago.
As was the case then, Hippie Critic rules.
His caption?
Don’t burn your lips! You still owe me for that VP slot!
Is that a cup of joe?
Still drinkin the CNN BS Kool-aid.
or…”See Joe, it’s safe to drink.” as she sips but doesn’t swallow, which is totally out of character for her.
No Joe it just tastes like old man drool.
Did they airbrush the barrel organ and leash out of the picture?
Taste good? Bill Cosby showed me how to make this.
I know I don’t have to tell you to swallow it all.
The CNN Breakfast Club: Ding Dongs and Ho Hos…
I don’t mean to be a sad sack but to be honest I find both of them to be incredibly boring people. I honestly would not invite them to a dinner party or even a backyard bbq. There’s not a single question I’d have for either of them that I could not predict their answer.
I’m so, so happy the Communist Democrats have saddled themselves with these two cheerless, boring, has beens (and in Harris’s case, she really has been *had*). A pedo/rapist and a prostitute. Wow. That’s the most interesting thing about either of them. Sad.
Can you just imagine what the Founders would have done to them.
Joe, never say you want cream in your coffee when Camel toe is around.
What’ll it be, coffee tea or me?
“You say Jill makes you drink this every morning?”
It has a handle, kamala. No. I mean the cup.
Next, I will show you how to eat Cream of Wheat without
It running down your chin.
Mmmm, White House coffee, good to the last drop.
I told you to get my coffee not drink it.
The best part of waking up is Biden in a cup!
“Go ahead, drink it, it’s what Brian Stelter drinks…regularly. It’s made with real lies…it’s good for ya.”
I hope it tastes better than it smells.
“taste like bullshit to me joe…”
I’m sorry and really ashamed this caption of impure thoughts popped into my head.
“Oh, you’re a spitter not a swallower. Please, don’t get any on your hair. I like to sniff hair.”
So after you have your Jell-O cup Joey, I’ll beat your limp wee wee off and then swallow hard like this.”
So Kamala, do you sip or swallow?
“Let me know if you find my teeth in there”
Camel-la: “Joe, after making such an idiotic statement I’m just going to sniff your drink to see if it’s spiked.”
Slo-Joe: “Ok Kammella,this means I get to sniff your hair though.”
two shysters one cup.
Ka-MA-la: “Sluuuuuuuuuuuuuurp!”
Joe: “I wish she would, I wish she would….”
How S-w-e-e-t It Is!
(channeling Jackie Gleason)
Joe: I call it a Roofiecolada.
Enjoy! I got it from Hillary.
“Rinse…then spit.”
“Drink this in remembrance of … you know, you know, the thing.”
“Drink this in remembrance of … you know, you know … the thing.”
Tastes funny, right? Must be a Jamaican blend.
“…Hillary calls it “Adrenochrone”…”
“It tastes fine Joe, now shut the hell up and take your medication”
“No way, man. You got your germs all over it.”
Kamala: *siiiiiiip*
Joe: “I peed in it.”
Kamala: *freeze*
“C’mon man, whatcha doing with my CNN chamber pot?”
“This is CNN. Drink in the lies…”
Cuppa Joe for the skanky ho.
“Sorry, Joe I take mine black”
observation: not ‘social distancing’, are we?
can someone please find a Karen?
Joe: ‘Don’t burn your lips! You still owe me for that VP slot!’
Comma-la: ‘Oh goin Joey, heeheehee, but you forgot, you like little white girls, whiter than me.’
I know, big ouch there, but it’s true ya know.
Over the teeth and through the gums, look out stomach, here it cums.
Kumala: This coffee tastes exactly like shit…did one of Bernie’s Bros get in here?
I like to watch you know,the thing drink!
I like my coffee black just like my VP candidates
Komrade Kamala sucks CNN
Joe: “Blow is just an expression”
Kamala: “Did you take your blue pill Joe Pop?”