Three Shot, Two Dead in Kenosha Overnight – IOTW Report

Three Shot, Two Dead in Kenosha Overnight


Three people were shot, two fatally, as protests continued for a third night over the police shooting of Jacob Blake, Kenosha police said. The third victim’s condition was serious but not life-threatening.

Police said they and other agencies responded at 11:45 p.m. to reports of gunfire.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel quotes Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth as saying one victim was hit in the head and another in the chest. He told the newspaper he expects at least one person to be detained soon. More

35 Comments on Three Shot, Two Dead in Kenosha Overnight

  1. Now watch government take action to stop the shooting without addressing the cause of the shooting and letting it continue unabated.

    A recipe for disaster, IMO, a recipe for a huge disaster.

  2. ” … as protests continued for a third night over the police shooting of Jacob Blake … ”

    These aren’t protests, Gad damn it, they’re riots. Thanks to politics, mealy-mouthed euphemisms have taken over our language.

  3. The propagandists will blame the “reactionaries” for the violence.
    The Police will suppress the citizenry and pass on the rioters.
    Rioting will continue – and all resistance to the rioting will be condemned.

    Those with the temerity to defend themselves and their property will be arrested and prosecuted.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. @ThePlutomiumKid — Democrats own the media. Democrats own BLM. It’s not a matter of anyone being vague or mealy-mouthed. It’s the plan.

    The KKK was the terrorist arm of the Democrats. Since the commie Dems have pinned that rose on Republicans, they can’t very well dress in white robes and hoods. This year’s fashion is all black — but they still wear hoodies.

  5. Speaking of language. They’re not rioters or protesters, they’re communist revolutionaries.
    When you shoot looters on site, somehow or another looting and burning doesn’t look like so much fun to them. Attacking the innocent can be very costly.

  6. …and just as the commie Dems affiliation with the KKK, their politicians endorse and ride along with them.

    How many Republican pols have declared their solidarity with BLM and giving their tacit approval of their vicious tactics?

    I bet if you look at newspaper accounts of the KKK’s early activities, there will be many newspapers and Democrats calling them heroic names and endorsing their violence. The commie Dem’s god, Woodrow Wilson, is legend when it comes to the KKK, racism, and anarchy.

  7. …nobody said it yet, so I will.

    Play stupid games, win deadly prizes.

    Just as intended.

    If Govenment is unwilling or unable to defend the Governed, vigilantism will arise.

    Then they will call the vigilantes racist, and move to take all the law abiding citizen’s guns.

    …all according to plan. They don’t give a shit how many pawns they lose, as long as the end result is they take power AND take guns.

    That’s all this has EVER been about.

  8. I travel a lot from IN to TN on I-65, all I want to know is if the BLM blocks the interstate and approached by them and I am threatened can I legally shoot them and then take off? Call the police when I get to safely.

  9. @Farmerwife my understanding is they can block the road, they can scream and yell threats and obscenities. When they attempt to gain enterer into the vehicle the driver is within his or her rights to defend against the eminent threat.

  10. FarmWife
    AUGUST 26, 2020 AT 10:48 AM
    “I travel a lot from IN to TN on I-65, all I want to know is if the BLM blocks the interstate and approached by them and I am threatened can I legally shoot them and then take off?”

    …USCCA would seem to agree with Dr. Tar…

    “Is Kentucky a ‘Stand Your Ground’ State?
    Yes. Kentucky is a Castle Doctrine state and has a “stand your ground” law. A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat. He or she has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force, if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another. Force may also be used to prevent the commission of a felony involving the use of force. Any person who uses a gun in self-defense has immunity from criminal and civil law.”

  11. Kenosha has a very active Militia. Yesterday Infowars reported the Militia had recruited 1200 plus armed residents to guard businesses. Apparently because the cops and the National Guard decided not to. BLM is pouring in from Chicago and Milwaukee. Mean while, on line warriors are headed that way. The place is a powder keg.
    Why is the citizen even being questioned if the cops are to chicken shit to do their jobs. It’s the same old bull shit. The cops are protecting BLM and Antifa. This needs to end. A message needs to be sent.

  12. BLM set a multi story apartment complex on fire late in the evening on Sunday. That’s attempted murder. Where’s LE on that one. These cops should turn in their badges and get the fuck out of the way.

  13. @Farm Wife — Can you put some extra time in your schedule and take the back roads? These people are off their meds. It’s okay to take measures to protect yourself, even if that means looking like you’re afraid of them. There’s a good reason anyone should be afraid of them.

    I know there are many who talk about pointing a gun and shooting them, but unless you are willing to live the rest of your life with that decision — especially if it could have been avoided — I don’t think you’d want to relive that. I once knew a man who shot and killed a home intruder. He didn’t mean to, he meant to scare him, but his one and only shot was a direct head shot and the intruder dropped like a rock in my friend’s dining room. My friend was not a timid guy, nor was he someone you could describe as having a fragile psyche. He understood that he did what he had to do and he was well within his legal rights to defend his home. Nonetheless, taking another’s life — epecially for anyone who values human life — is a traumatic experience. At least it was for this good man. Regardless of the necessity of the act, he was very traumatized by it. How much more so might it be for someone who could have taken steps to avoid being placed in that situation.

    The other side of this situation is that there is great risk that you wouldn’t prevail in such an encounter. We’d like to think that everything would go the way we expect it to, but there are a lot of variables outside our imagination over which we have no control.

    I want to see you here continuing to share your comments.

    It’s not an act of cowardice to want to preserve your own life.

  14. The medic gets shot and then screams (like a girl) for a medic. Physician heal thyself. Pansy ass piece of shit.
    This is how you handle these “peaceful protestors” {actually known as communist fucks}:
    And I’m not shedding a tear as the good doctor did, I’m cheering the We The People defending their neighborhoods and country against violent aggressors.

  15. Regarding Blocking the road.

    It can be construed as kidnapping. They are preventing you from coming or going. They have trapped you. It just depends on how aggressive Law Enforcement and DA’s want to get with these clowns. So far, no to.

  16. The photo of the man shot in the arm clearly shows him carrying a semi-automatic pistol for our lying eyes to see, and it appeared that he was only shot when he pointed it at the shooter, but that is not mentioned in the Daily Mail article.

    The rioters were heavily armed from the outset. Why were the streets not filled with armed National Guard? Why was Kenosha not ringed with checkpoints? Why were residents and business owners abandoned by police and the state? The Governor set this up. He owns it.

  17. Why the bloody hell cant we sue the media for creating the narratives that lead to these riots before evidence is out?

    This makes me very glad I moved further west in WI, I can’t imagine I’d have the restraint to take matters into my own hands if this weren’t happening 70+ miles from where I live.

  18. The rioters were armed and attacking people and burning down businesses.

    They kid that shot them was being attacked by one of the people he shot and the other guy he shot was torching a car lot.

    They are charging the kid with first degree murder. They are charging the leftists with nothing.

    Do not resist the peaceful protesters who are beating you and torching your property. That is the message they are desparate to send.
    And one other thing. If you resist the mob, YOU ARE A WHITE SUPREMACIST

  19. The kid was 17, they’re probably going to get him for carrying a firearm across state lines on top of bullshit murder charges. What’s the law in Illinois and Wisconsin on under 21 owning/carrying rifles?

    I talk aka bitch a lot about the public school system, but something I’ve seen and heard a lot lately from the 15 to early 20 year olds is they’re pissed about what’s going on and they’re huge Trump supporters, many of which with parents who hate Trump. These boys are ready and willing to defend the country against the communists on our streets. Maybe the demoncrat commies have had the indoctrination backfire on them when it includes telling white boys they’re beneath the black kids and must take what they dish out and they shouldn’t be acting like boys.

    On edit: Also in regards to this boy earlier the police were thanking him for being there and gave him water. The damn cops either need to grow a set of balls and do their job or turn in their badge and gun and go home.

  20. Thanks everyone for your feed back, ABigail Adams, my husband has told me to go thru Evansville IN to KY then onto TN but it would add 2 hrs to trip. Not too many places over the Ohio river. Ugh !!

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