One of these things is not like the other… – IOTW Report

One of these things is not like the other…

Captain’s Journal-

ht/ bad brad

22 Comments on One of these things is not like the other…

  1. Udogu SEPTEMBER 1, 2020 AT 2:33 PM
    “Top Left jumped off a building, the others are results of peaceful protesting”

    …could be, but I’ve seen a LOT more devastating injuries than THIS from a jump, maybe this guy didn’t go so high, you need about a 40″ minimum for terminal velocity. It’s hard to tell in those white pants and that LQ image, but there COULD be a femoral head dislocation there, probably not a break because it’s not penetrating his pants though, and I can’t get a good look at his shins and knees, but he also didn’t necessarily have to have landed flat-footed…

    …looks like a silver fork wrist deformity, though, didn’t get THAT from Antifa, maybe caught himself on the pavement? Also, again not a great image, but his foot looks twisted backwards, again probably not BLM in action, while I certainly belive they CAN be that savage, it would also be too much of an effort for them when they could just kick and hit…

  2. The guy in the upper left was kicked in the face while down by a clown that was caught and charged. It happened in a shopping mall in Austin Texas.
    On a side note, I did back flips last night when PDT came out in defense of our 17 year old Patriot shooter. He also mentioned he had people monitoring or checking into it. Pretty awesome considering he did it on FOX and damn near everyone of their news personalities has this kid guilty and hung already. Even Bongino side stepped the issue.

  3. Bad_Brad
    SEPTEMBER 1, 2020 AT 2:47 PM
    “The guy in the upper left was kicked in the face while down by a clown that was caught and charged. It happened in a shopping mall in Austin Texas.”

    …huh. Why his wrist look like that, they stomp him some too?

    And his leg and foot still look odd, maybe they ARE that savage, but it probably isn’t a hip then since that’d take a LOT of effort with a young man…

  4. Guy on top left was a businessman in Deep Ellum, Dallas, Texas who tried to protect his shop brandishing a sword , which allowed the Media to laugh at him, and was jumping around with Flourish when tackled and kicked into a pretzel…The Left Media ridiculed him with the sword dancing video, the Pretzel joke and then said he was a Racist because most of the rioters were Black…

  5. The 17 year old on the lower right was defending a business and then himself…this will result in 120 years in prison because the Democrats Control..because he is a minor, his parents will be sued successfully and destroyed and perhaps grandparents….they might consider a mass suicide rather than face the Evil masquerading as Law coming their way..

  6. @Me again and Brad and SNS

    “…Guy on top left was a businessman in Deep Ellum, Dallas, Texas who tried to protect his shop brandishing a sword…”

    Me again you are correct. If you remember that post (and a couple of others), Aaron Burr had a field day with the do’s and don’ts of brandishing a Katana. In only a way in which Burr can do.

  7. Even at 17 the kid knew the golden rule:

    “never point a firearm at someone unless you are ready to pull the trigger”

    I do not believe he will be convicted on ANY of those 6 charges because
    1. he has nick sandman’s lawyer for free
    2. Trump is supporting his cause as well

    This brave kid will be the face of the resistance when others begin to band together and do the same thing to these anti-american terrorists that the president has even agreed to labeling them as such.

    I say the only thing these scumbag terrorist are good for is organ harvesting and once all useful pieces are gone via planned murderhood standards then whatever is left can used as pig food.

    Past time for the gloves to come all the way off since their new favorite chant is “death to america”.

  8. @Goldenfoxx – a now departed friend of several decades used to say much the same thing.

    That the peoples descended from the Celts can be counted on to let things get way out of hand, but once it goes to far, they always rise up and set things aright again with great ferocity.

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