Camping – IOTW Report


30 Comments on Camping

  1. Heaven on earth.

    Notice that buddy at the end was watching the leaves ‘Fall’.

    Some prefer Autumn…

    That stove looks great, but be a good Dad and WATCH that thing! :>O

  2. Holy man, a wood burning stove in your tent?!?! That seems like it’s cheating somehow. There has been many mornings when I’ve been camping that I would have paid a helluva price for that.

  3. A lot of the minimalist campers are going with something more like a teepee, which is very light and can be put up using hiking poles, and a bivy sack. Easy set up compared to a tent and can be as light as the lightest tent. Maybe not 4 seasons but pretty good even in rain.
    Of course this is a car-camping set-up, but looks easy, comfy and serene.

  4. You got me Claudia. I love hiking and camping. I live in Colorado with some of the best camping and hiking places on the earth. I challenge anyone, and will gladly travel to wherever you say is better. All you have to do is do the same to a place I recommend πŸ™‚
    Whoever wins, wins. If your place is better, I will admit it, though I will not stop recommending my favorite sites.

  5. Joe 6, wall tents that sleep 6 or 8 guys all have a wood stove, but they are canvas not nylon. Can you say elk camp.
    I love camping in the fall warm days and cold nights. Good for sleeping tight in a double sleeping bag, and the fish are on the bite.

  6. I’ve always been somewhat suspicious of Colorado.

    Did….. did you guys eat all of your Indians? Cuz’ there’s only some Utes down by New Mesico. The hell did you do to the rest of them?

  7. The first time AA and I went camping 30 years ago was at Lost Lake On Mt. Hood 3200 feet late May early June; rain, sleet mixed with snow. Pitched the tent while AA sat in the truck got the gear in the tent and AA, then fired up the propane stove and made hot coco and rum,had a good night sleep and woke up to clear blue skies and great fishing. The good old days.

    We fish for German browns,lots or rainbows ,Brookies and Kokanee’s.

  8. For all of you taking up my challenge – two places: Rocky Mountain National Park and Golden Gate Canyon. Both are within easy reach of the Denver area.

    @joe6Pak, in my next two vacation times (I am limited because I am an evil teacher), I will take you up on that.

    @Ghost – I accept. When I get a chance, I will let you know. Durango is still a wonderful place, as is the rest of the state πŸ˜›

    @Left Coast Dan – If you are moving to Boulder, I can recommend anywhere in Golden Gate Canyon or Rocky Mountain National Park. PS, Let me know when you move out here, and I will gladly jump on the motorcycle and show you some of the sights.

    @Aaron Burr – nope we still allow anyone here, though those on the right are becoming more rare.

  9. Hey Geoff, it’s great getting out in the Alpine Lakes area, isn’t it. I wanted to say fly pole, because one of my best friends is a recognized fly tying and fly fishing expert, but no one else would get it. When he hears me say fly pole it’s like scratching a chalkboard.

  10. Geoff – Awesome!!
    The same reasons I LOVE some of the places in Colorado. It is impossible to see these sight and not believe the GOD has given us the chance to experience them.

  11. Brad, it’s impressive how many neat gadgets there is for camping and hiking. And they are all so reasonable priced. When my two boys were young and my wife was still willing to sleep on the ground we had all kinds of cool stuff. If I was to start camping again it would take a couple paychecks to get rigged up.

  12. @RogerF – first time I was in CO was in ’85 at Rocky Mountain NP and saw a hummingbird! Tried to do a hike UP.

    The oxygen depravation took it’s toll for someone that came from near sea level…

  13. The pictured shelter is probably what is known as a Nordic lavvu or lavvo. A Swedish company sells them with the name Tentipi. However, the design is not based on the N.American plains Indian tipi, but on the nomadic Sami people’s lavvu. Lower profile for high winds above the arctic circle.

    However, several companies make lavvus out of canvas or lighter weight synthetic fabric. And several other companies make compatible stoves. At least you can put your pants on standing up, not wiggling around on your back. I’ve had a canvas 5-person model for ten years or so, but never purchased a stove for it. I had to order mine from Scotland, but since then there is a distributor in the USA.

    Fall camping brings beautiful fall colors, just on the verge of peak colors where I am, and fewer bugs. .

  14. Oh, yes, welcome to Colorado Dan. We aren’t quite as far left as the coast, yet. Please tell your fellow left coasters to stay away. I keep hoping that we will swing back to the right.

  15. Boulder, Colorado. Ruined by too many students staying after graduating from college and being indoctrinated by Liberalism. It’s the city that gave Gary Hartpence, Tim Wirth and Mark Udall the votes they needed to get elected in an otherwise fairly Conservative State. Where nary a Trump-Pence sign can be found, but where there is an active Republican Resistance amongst the Right Thinking Minority. I first came here in 1964, so I’ve seen what happened to one of the most beautifully situated places in all the West. Welcome to Boulder, Dan.


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