PJM- In his new encyclical Fratelli Tutti, the Woke Pope casts aside 2,000 years of unbroken tradition and declares: “Today we state clearly that ‘the death penalty is inadmissible’ and the Church is firmly committed to calling for its abolition worldwide.” That’s just great, but there’s one little catch. In the encyclical he cites and praises al-Azhar’s Grand Sheikh Ahmad al-Tayyeb, who has declared: “The four schools of law all concur that apostasy is a crime, that an apostate should be asked to repent, and that if he does not, he should be killed.” Apparently Pope Francis now subscribes to the idea of the death penalty for thee, but not for me, all in the name of “dialogue.”
As you might expect with Pope Francis, it gets even worse. ChurchMilitant notes that in the new encyclical, al-Tayyeb is very much the star of the show; he is mentioned five times, including this: “I have felt particularly encouraged by the Grand Imam Ahmad Al-Tayyeb, with whom I met in Abu Dhabi, where we declared that ‘God has created all human beings equal in rights, duties and dignity, and has called them to live together as brothers and sisters.’” more here
Little Richard’s version backwards makes more sense.
Hey Pope, read the Bible. Capital punishment is one responsibility of a just government.
“The sword of the state is the Wrath of God” St. Paul
will call u if i need guidance from a guy in a man-dress. until then, FO.
I, like most Catholics, put my feet up on the desk and turn up the pan flute cover of Gary Numans ‘Cars’ whenever this guy lisps out his latest nonsensical diatribe.
It’s quite soothing.
tell us all about the rat-lines for the ww2 nazis when u get a breath
‘Ordained by God’.
If that ain’t blasphemy, I don’t know what is.
Pope Benedict is still the rightful pope. His resignation was not legitimate.
$10 to any cardinal who slaps this buffoon in the back of the head next time he opens his pastahole.
We don’t call him The Dope Pope for nuthin’.
Is the pope catholic is no longer a joke since Frankie arrived. Now is the pope a commie is more like it.
This bootlicker pope should have been named Pope Neville.
Fucking Papists!
“The Colonel, who remembered a not very dissimilar occurrence in India, was of opinion that if Parkins had closed with it it could really have done very little, and that its one power was that of frightening. The whole thing, he said, served to confirm his opinion of the Church of Rome.”
M.R. James