Alyssa Milano, “America or Trump, You Can’t Love Both” – IOTW Report

Alyssa Milano, “America or Trump, You Can’t Love Both”


Left-wing activist and actress Alyssa Milano took to Twitter on Thursday evening to proclaim that Americans have to choose between “America or Trump,” because the country “can’t love both.”

“America or Trump. You can’t love both,” tweeted Milano following the second presidential debate between President Trump and 2020 Democrat candidate Joe Biden, who, during Thursday night’s debate, claimed, “We had a good relationship with Hitler before he invaded the rest of Europe.” Milano included the hashtag “#BidenWon.” More

33 Comments on Alyssa Milano, “America or Trump, You Can’t Love Both”

  1. A child star raised in a dysfunctional communist environment is going to tell us what traditional America looks like. I don’t think so bitch. I can tell you there’s a lot of guns involved.

  2. This bitch sat in the Kavanaugh hearings and just about got KICKED out for trying to film it, trying to get away with it for her friends.

    Fuck her and her RACK @Richard Cranium. Who needs the three of ‘THEM’.

    What a ‘turn OFF’!

    She has become a guys version of Ewwwwww.


  3. “We had a good relationship with Hitler before he invaded the rest of Europe.”

    By “WE”, I assume she is referring to liberal Democrats. Time magazine gushed over Hitler and Mussolini in the 30’s.

  4. She would not know patriotism and love of America if it bit her on the ass and held on like a pit bull with tetanus. Her “America” celebrates murder by abortion, sexual depravity, illicit drug use, and a totalitarian, socialist, Godless government that rewards her lazy, stupid, envious, undeserving comrades.

  5. So the anti-American crowd burning down buildings, smashing statues, calling it “stolen land” are now protectors of America against Trump.


  6. It’s fairly common knowledge that what a “leftist” says is pretty much the opposite of what it means.
    Ms. Milano has absolutely no conception of what America looks like, or is.
    She knows Rodeo Drive and the haunts of the drugged-out, soon-to-be-forgotten, talentless nouveau riche flotsam and jetsam of Hollyweird’s brothels (studios).
    As a discarded cum-sack she probably has few remaining memories of California – just a couple of flashes of a drugged and alcoholic fog of vomit and perversion.

    Oh, well. Preach on, sister! Satan needs proselytes, too!

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. “I think what we’re facing right now is the need for like almost a radical reconstruction of society,” said Milano.

    Hmm…like, you know…like…not only does that sound fascist, but it sounds a lot like your past hero, the fundamentally transformed fucked up son of his whore mom and Frank Marshall Davis.

  8. If only she loved America as much as she loves herself – what I’ve noticed is that intense self-absorption is the most notable child actor trait, esp. when they’ve become of age – maturity not included.

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