Who’s Up For a “McPlant” Burger? – IOTW Report

Who’s Up For a “McPlant” Burger?


In a conference call today, McDonald’s announced its own plant-based burger, which has been dubbed the “McPlant.” The burger is created “by McDonald’s and for McDonald’s,” International President Ian Borden said. The McPlant will be added to menus in 2021. Let’s say the name again because it sounds like a joke: McPlant. More

51 Comments on Who’s Up For a “McPlant” Burger?

  1. Well, some of us have cardiac conditions, so we don’t eat any meat at all. Beyond Burger is pretty tasty actually – for a veggie burger. I keep kosher so I won’t be visiting any McDonald’s restaurants.

  2. McSoylet Green , lovingly smashed into bun “Plant Based” and sprayed with “Plant Based” condiments, then trapped into a “Plant Based ” wrapper and thrown down the slide and then thrown into a “Plant Based” bag. Makes me hungry just writing about it, Yum . Stick to your roots, try to improve the product and customer service.

  3. These plant based burgers have high fat and sodium content and a long list of manufactured ingredients no one can pronounce. Even Whole Foods CEO said in 2019 it might be good for the environment but not for your body. Same as Silicon Valley execs banning their social media crap from their own kids. Big pass.

  4. Vietvet, the McFeline burger will be only available in China, N. Korea if any cats are available, the Nork version will be either the McTreebark or McRock version. In China it will be served alongside with its canine counterpart the McFido burger. In places around the world where they have lots of bugs it will be the McLocust burger. Which inner city will be the first to sell the McRat burger or KFR, kentucky Fried Rat? In India where cows are sacred they will have McMystery meat burgers of whatever critter, snake, eel etc. is the most available or they could also call it the McCrap burger. Yum, come and get and get one or two, buy them by the bag full, barf!

  5. That is awful!! And heard today that Taco Bell is phasing our their taco pizza which has always been a favorite of mine. They said it doesn’t fit in their future menu line up.

  6. Old McDonald had an industrial farm that produced only McFake burgers and McFake fast food of all kinds E,I. E, I, O! Especially after the democraps under the Biden/Harris/AOC etc. administration which was stolen from the American people pass the everything killing Green New Spiel. “Shut up and eat it’s good for you and it’s all you’re going to get from now on, so enjoy it or else, starve.”

  7. When all meat has been banned only outlaws and the the very rich will eat meat. The rest of us will be starved to death like the Kulaks were in the Ukraine during Stalin’s reign of terror. And the NY Slimes will lie about it again and call it all the progress of man.

  8. You watch. The McFuck, I mean, McPlant, burger will eventually have it’s devoted following, like the McRib, and people will travel around the country when its available so they scarf down the yummy goodness.

    Just kidding.

  9. I got my vegie burger makin situation under control I dropped a deer of at the butcher a week and a half ago. Told them to take the backstrap and tenderloin out and make the rest of it into bratwurst and Italian sausage. I’ve only had time to fill one tag this year, usually I have a second deer made into 1/2 burger with five lbs of bacon added to each 20 lbs of ground deer and 1/2 pep sticks.

  10. I was standing in line for a McCricket.

    That will probably be next year. But it’ll probably be a generic name like McBug, just a handful of random bugs squished together in burger form.

  11. Loaded with estrogen, like insane amounts.

    If any of you guys wanna grow tits, here ya go.

    Then there’s the whole, ‘is it made from aborted babies?’ question.

    Not for me

  12. I tried some of that beyond meat shit.
    So nasty I couldn’t take a second bite
    I thought maybe the dog would eat it, but that was a no go.
    Almost had to take a cue from her and start licking my ass to get the taste out.

  13. ^^^^ If you have ketchup with those fries, that counts as two vegetables, and you’re good to go for the day.
    Just remember to replace you mask between bites

    ?= remember- you deserve a brick today ?

  14. Lefties love crap like that and will eat it to show off how
    tuned into green they are. I’m so glad they made it for them. Now when they go there they’ll have to buy that garbage to look cool to their asshole buddies.

  15. Why do TPTB have to process that veggie matter to try to disguise it as faux “meat”? And after all the chemicals and processing, is it really good for you? Or just more poison? Whatever happened to the concept of “natural”?

  16. Our local McDonald’s quit putting their pricing on their drive-through menu. I wanted some fries with dinner the other night (I like their fries), so I hit the drive-through and ordered two medium fries. $7.38! I laughed out loud when I confirmed the price, cancelled my order and drove through without buying anything. $7.38 for two medium french fries! Holy cats!

  17. McFacePlant!

    Barney from the Simpsons, ” Go Back To Russia!” or tree bark & grass in North Korea.

    We did not fight our way to the top of the food chain just to eat grass.


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