Post Office Whistleblower Denies Recanting Statement Witnessing Ballot Fraud – Demands Washington Post Retract False Claims – IOTW Report

Post Office Whistleblower Denies Recanting Statement Witnessing Ballot Fraud – Demands Washington Post Retract False Claims


U.S Postal Worker Richard Hopkins came forward to expose specific irregularities with the back-dating of ballots which he personally witnessed.  Several U.S. Senators demanded AG Bill Barr immediately investigate the claims and sworn affidavit.  However the Washington Post ran a story yesterday (has been re-written several times) claiming Mr. Hopkins recanted his statements.

After reading the Washington Post story, whistleblower Richard Hopkins tells the newspaper their story is false, he did not recant.  However, the Washington Post refuses to remove the story, instead they re-write it several times attempting to retain the falsity.

14 Comments on Post Office Whistleblower Denies Recanting Statement Witnessing Ballot Fraud – Demands Washington Post Retract False Claims

  1. And anyone on Social Media who references Richard Hopkins’ accusation against WaPo is going to get tagged and bagged.

    The flop sweat dripping from every media pore is disgusting.

  2. Not sure if Hopkins is needed as a whistleblower since they have plenty of them who can prove there was voter fraud. His biggest mistake was talking to the feds without a lawyer present. His only place to turn is to sue the Washington Post. It’s all coming together now with the voter fraud. Trump will win this race. Good always wins.

  3. Fake news is gonna fake. They have to imply there is no evidence of election fraud for the same reason they had to imply that President Trump didn’t denounce white supremacy. Fake narrative.

  4. This isn’t even fake news anymore, this is propaganda – the same CIA Orange Revolution coups they attempt in other countries is being done here now and since over 50% get their news from the MSM they have no idea there was any fraud. And these lists of enemies, who are they threatening when they put these lists together? The judges that will be hearing the Trump court cases?

  5. @Goldenfoxx
    I would agree with you except for they have won in the past, (see Oregon and many other Dem states). Most R’s think they should just roll over, but they won’t win this one, because TRUMP.
    They’ve been doing this for a long time.

  6. It is nothing but propaganda at this point. I was listening to the radio yesterday and the station has FOX News on the half hour. Not one time did they refer to Biden w/o prefacing it with “President Elect.” Which is an absolute falsehood.

  7. I have talked to three different mail carriers in our neck of the woods and they have all told me they were told to separate absentee ballots so they could take them straight to the county election board.
    Now this was only up to election day. I asked them if they were postmarking them, because in Oklahoma they must be postmarked. They said they didn’t know, but after election day they were being handled like any mail in their offices.
    They were told though it was coming from the top bosses in Oklahoma and was being done across the country.

    I asked if it was usually done that way and they said it had never been done like that before. Every one of them though said they wouldn’t be telling anyone about it, because they don’t know if it was legal or not, but one thing they did know if they told it they would lose their job and the union would let them hang.

    This was even before what they did to this guy, this was after the first person(maybe him) had come forward anonymously.


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