CTH Being Evicted From Longtime Platform – IOTW Report

CTH Being Evicted From Longtime Platform


Most CTH readers are likely aware of the term “deplatforming.”  Unfortunately, the big tech control mechanism to shut down speech & assembly has now arrived on our doorstep.

One week after the 2020 presidential election, The Conservative Treehouse received the following notification:

…”given the incompatibility between your site’s content and our terms, you need to find a new hosting provider and must migrate the site by Wednesday, December 2nd.


12 Comments on CTH Being Evicted From Longtime Platform

  1. That sucks.
    It’s a wordpress platform. They stink, anyway.
    He can keep the same wordpress format and move everything to a different platform.
    I wouldn’t transfer 10 years of data if it were me [$$$$$]. Hopefully he has his articles stored somewhere.

  2. WordPress platforms are usually for people who do arts and crafts.
    I know because back in the day, some acquaintances and each I had our own site with WP and it was so lame. lol
    Sundance should have left it long ago.

  3. @MJA — If WordPress makes it hard to back up your data to a location not under their control, then they’re worse than I thought. That should be a basic requirement and failure to meet it should be a show-stopper.

  4. It will undoubtedly take longer than most of us have patience for, but “Big” tech will take its shameful place in the dock for our reckoning. Social media, especially, will be tried and found wanting.

  5. Refugee Resettlement Watch used to be Word Press but had to leave as it was telling us the TRUTH–aka the new ‘hate speech’ ACLU called it a ‘hate group’ but it’s just one person who doesn’t make any money from it, doing it to share information with fellow Americans!


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