With Whom Is Law Enforcement Aligned? – IOTW Report

With Whom Is Law Enforcement Aligned?

Right now, this question (in my view) is directed at big city cops and state police in liberal strongholds.

The Captain’s Journal:

From Michael Yon.

The situation is clear.  There is a clear sea change in Oregon — increasing numbers of people who are avoiding conflict, and those who are joining battle, are turning away from Back the Blue.

I saw this to a more limited extent in D.C., but now in Oregon the pattern is as clear.  Iraq and Afghanistan veterans will see this and know exactly what is going on.  As will Vietnam vets.  Before my time, but they know this story, too.

This image came to me from a law enforcement friend who was in the Portland fighting on New Year’s night.  If you know the source of this image, please connect me.

Note: the fact that more Proud Boys, Three Percenters, and other Patriot groups are starting to turn on some law enforcement, does NOT make them allies with ANTIFA.  That’s not how this works.

There are so many issues here it’s impossible to fisk in a single post.  Michigan patriots have turned on their government, and the law enforcement officer nearby in this instance was irrelevant to the circumstances, probably just there to protect the state worker (who probably called the Sheriff’s department for assistance because she was scared), and probably just wanted to get away from there as soon as possible.  No LEO wants to be at a gun range with hundreds of shooters where owners are tearing up shutdown orders in front of state officials and LEOs and daring them to do anything about it, while calling them communists. more here

h/t Brad, Texson

SNIP: And here’s the rest of that Portland story…

Pro-Trump protesters furiously turn on cops for protecting Antifa.

In a strange twist of fate, pro-Trump protesters at a “Mass Civil Disobedience Rally and March” in the left-wing sanctuary of Salem, Oregon, were caught on video this New Year’s Day chanting “f–k the blue” and stomping on “thin blue line” flags.

Organized by Oregon Women for Trump, the protest against “ridiculous shutdowns of businesses, schools, people’s livelihoods, and the phony mask mandate” devolved into madness when armed left-wing Antifa/Black Lives Matter extremists showed up.

SNIP: How far will this go? That depends on the morals of the big city cops.

22 Comments on With Whom Is Law Enforcement Aligned?

  1. Simple, if you live in a rural county in a solid red state, with a Republican Sheriff, then you are good to go. City police and even some suburbs…not so much.
    I will sleep well tonight and many nights to come.

  2. The big city cops need to look in the mirror and ask themselves if hammering the patriotic Americans that love their country, will give them the personal security to live their lives without having to carry out unlawful orders and activities without the same fear of oppression from those that they are serving. Once you’ve sold your integrity out, you are at the whim of those that can squash you, or keep you on the team.

  3. LEO follow the path of least resistance.
    The GESTAPO (Secret State Police) recruited 95% from established police units.
    They became willing executioners – and displayed a complete lack of morality – able to justify their actions to the “protection of the State.”

    Americans aren’t any different – used to be – but not any more.
    (as an aside, Germany considered itself the absolute pinnacle of civilization)

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. At Stirin…

    Well said. I live in a solid red rural Indiana county. I’m guessing you are in a similar situation…It is not you or I that I am worried about…we will survive no matter what. It is the people in the burbs, like my relatives that I worry about.
    The thugs and BLM dont dare step foot out into the rural areas, because they know we will shoot back, and have conservative cops and judges to back us up.
    I worry about the suburbs…they are next.

  5. Interesting conversation I overheard in a truck stop one day, between two Highway Patrolmen. They were complaining about people blaming them for doing their jobs, or people saying they were taking sides, when they were just following orders. One said he voted for Trump, the other said he didn’t, both though seemed to not understand, their job is not to follow orders, their job is to enforce laws. They were both young, probably late 20’s or early 30’s, which begs the question what the heck are they taught these days in training? I know they must go to college and we all know what they’re taught there, but it sounds like they’re not getting that knocked out of them.

  6. Death_By_Farts, you described where I live except for the solid red state. Michigan used to be pretty red, but I’m sure the last decade we have been using Dominion voting machines.

    Still, solid red county with solid R sheriff who has not enforced any of Wretched wHitler’s tyranical edicts.

  7. “Their retirement and other benefits are likely being balanced against the officers’ sworn oath”

    I live in a fairly affluent area in Northern California. We have San Fransisco and Bay Area cops coming up here and buying 1.5 mil houses. What the fuck?

  8. Time to disconnect Police from politics. When Police are ordered to stand down during riots Police need autonomous authority to carry out their mission and not worry about political fallout.

  9. @D_B_F – you guess correctly. Although, my solid red county – and surrounding counties – is being invaded by libs from California and other similar POS states.

    They’re insane. They leave the states who’s policies destroy their former state, and then vote the same ideological politicians into the new state that they infest.

    They’re a plague, plain and simple.

  10. Simple answer. The badgemonkeys are ‘aligned’ with….and will do WHATEVER THEY ARE TOLD to do by the people who sign their paychecks. They have ZERO loyalty to society, the people or the Constitution. They are HIRED THUGS who will always do what hired thugs have always done…..whatever they are told to do by the people who offer them the most $$$.

  11. …I was never a LEO, but I saw them as allies as a firefighter, they helped us and we helped them, we worked many scenes together and sometimes broke bread together, so I know something of how their wheels once turned. It also helped that we all wore a patch with the name of the same city on it, so we functioned under a common rubric so we weren’t as guarded with each other as maybe we would be with citizens. Full disclosure: this was 20 some years ago, and most of the LEOs I knew have either retired or died, including a suicide because the job got to him. The kids today that came up in the modern “educational” system are likely more polluted and confused, deliberately so on the part of the State.

    That said, there was generally an observable arc of behavior, with the rookies very legalistically oriented and rather idealistic, which tended to get rubbed away with daily use until it sunsetted on those towards the end of their careers who were pretty solidly time-servers and clock watchers who just wanted to go the hell home and forget about it for a few hours. Its genuinely difficult to not retreat into a cynical shell with daily contact with public emergencies, though, because you never get called to someone’s house when things are going GOOD, just when the SHTF and you’re expected to bring the paper towels. You stop seeing people AS people to be sympathized with and empathized with for the simple reason that you’re CONSTANTLY involved in tragedies and if you take each one to heart, it WILL kill you.

    Or you kill yourself, as in the suicide.

    But this means you necessarily erect a wall of duty, of regulation, of orders and of chain of command between yourself and those you serve. Only your brothers and sisters get a full hearing, the people pushing and pulling you are really problems for a court to decide because everyone is lying to some extent to make themselves look better, so best you just do what your Chief says so you can lay it off to someone else higher in the food chain and get it over with so you can go the hell home and forget about it with a mind easy enough to let you sleep.

    Its not bad or evil. Its just that you came up in a command system where command once was expected to make sense, and there’s a LOT of inertia involved even when you realize they do NOT any more.

    …honestly, the idealistic young ones that were out to “make the world a better place” were usually the ones that just made it a more chaotic one instead. It took awhile before they realized they couldn’t slap common sense into anyone and that the courts were generally unhelpful in retaining the idiots they brought in, but they had plenty of activity for everyone in the mean time. The one I remember best as the most legally dubious was the time they used my Squad being called for a stroke as a cover to get into a house they’d been watching so they could roust the guys wanted son, the end result being I had leo and lawbreaker rolling up the back of my legs when all I’m trying to do is suction something that looked like slighly moistened Gaines Burger in blood sauce out of a dying man’s throat.

    I don’t know how legal it was, but I had no doubt the son was a shit. Did that justify lawless law enforcers? Only God can answer that, I’ve never been able to decide myself. It had a good end I suppose, but it wasn’t a great outing for Rule of Law, so maybe it was just the sort of slippery slope thing that led us here today. Perhaps so.

    It was a different world in some respects, but the same mindset.

    But you do have to realize that people who want to be authoritative tend to gravitate to law enforcement, so its start point is command and control.

    So I believe that, when beleaguered and beset by outside forces, especially when those with a gentler bent see the handwriting on the wall and leave so they have even less manpower AND less of a moral anchoring due to those departures, that LEO will largely revert to type and do what Command says, regardless of whether it is “right” or not.

    Its always easier to abdicate your thinking to the authority you’re trained to follow, especially if everyone in your pressure cooker is doing the same.

    Big city police upper echelons are always political creatures, deliberately so. They will serve the Democrat Mayors whims, who will in turn serve those of the Party. It sucks, but it’s the way it is.

    As a result, I have little doubt.

    When spicy time arrives, LEO will be on the wrong side.

    …and its awfully hard to kiss and make up after first blood is drawn, for either side…

  12. The police have acted 99% against their oaths and the constitution to this point and I see no reason to expect differently feom here on out. I include the vast majority of rhe small town “red” area LEO’s as well. Following orders, pensions, and holding the thin blue line of brotherhood will be some if the excuses used for abusing the rest of us. And there will be a not small number of officers who will relish the opportunity to be sadistic homicidal maniacs with the full authority and blessing of the state.

  13. 7 months ago when a squad of ANTIFA killed a Don man, if the liberal police did not aide and abet the assissination they sure as hell did not try to stop it. Nor have they gone after the squad. It was the Feds who 3 days later got the killer. NONE OF THE REST HAS BEEN KILLED OR CAPTURED. Sure looks like liberal cops are fighting Don!

    As I said a few weeks back. It is clear the liberal cops in DC DID HELP BLM ATTCK DON’S MARCHERS! I posted 3 links to UTUBE SHOWING P0LICE HELPING BLM!

    This is not news! Every Chief since Gates in LA has been a liberal. DECADES!

  14. What most of the coppers have not figured out is that government officials are specifically pitting them against ALL ordinary citizens. The way they come down so hard on mask orders and 6 people in Quebec having dinner on New Years Eve gets everyone against the police. The Quebec video linked in the article has really pissed of a lot of sheep up here. There is another one of a Kid getting arrested for outdoor hockey on a pond which was specifically legal under Excercise.

    Coppers either apply the law equally or the public will become extremely selective on weather they co-operate and assist real policing or leave them by themselves when they need help.



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