Georgia is a BLUE STATE According to Latest Elections – IOTW Report

Georgia is a BLUE STATE According to Latest Elections

(CNN)Rev. Raphael Warnock, the senior pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, was elected on Tuesday to be the first Black senator from Georgia, CNN projected early Wednesday morning, a repudiation of Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler and her adherence to President Donald Trump.The control of the US Senate now comes down to Republican David Perdue, who is running to keep his seat against Democrat Jon Ossoff.


45 Comments on Georgia is a BLUE STATE According to Latest Elections

  1. These results, if they turn out as projected, would seem to indicate Biden was the genuine winner of the election in Georgia.

    More people vote Democrat there than Vote Republican.

  2. These are not elections in the common sense of the word.
    These are Party Selections thrust upon the body politic – a usurpation – a treason.

    Same as Stalin “winning” 98% of the vote.
    Same as Mao “winning” 99.4% of the vote.
    Same as Castro “winning” 97.8% of the vote.
    Same as Hitler … well, you get the picture.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. And it looks as though those running the GA elections have done it again. This time many people caught a 5000 vote reversal for Perdue on CNN’s live feed of the vote updates. 5000 votes just “disappeared”.

    As many have explained, the media outlets get their data directly (and at the same time) that vote data is sent to the state and to the NYTs from Scytl. It originates from the “counting house”, so to speak, meaning those who upload that data for distribution, and reflects accumulating vote totals. There’s not supposed to be “decriments”. Ballots are always counted upwards, not downwards. Makes sense, doesn’t it? As ballots are run through the tabulators, they don’t diminish the total! But 5000 votes just up and vanished. This time, however, they at least didn’t just slide those votes over to the D candidate in real time; they probably did that over time, later in subsequent vote tally uploads.

    The bastards did it again.

  4. This election was like being strapped into a speeding car with a drunken idiot at the wheel while headed for a solid wall, you knew what was coming but were helpless to stop it.

  5. Anonymous has to take his shoes off to count to twenty.

    In a batch of nearly 25,000 votes in the GA election, Biden’s vote percentage of that batch was 98%. Anything over 70% is considered suspect in any election. 98% is world class vote rigging.

  6. My husband and I voted, even though we knew the fix was in. We are very concerned about what the future holds for our grandchildren, but the finger in the dike didn’t hold.

  7. The fact that there even was an election happening after not getting any resolution to the standing election and voter fraud says that there will never be a resolution. People are just going to move on and pretend it never happened?
    0 confidence in either party.

  8. Not just the lunatic Lin Wood, the people were discouraged because the election officials made no changes from the fall election. Everyone of the Georgia voters could see this coming.

  9. “>@ Anonymous,
    The only thing “genuine” in Georgia is rigged elections. That state has a long history that you are ignoring.”

    And the Republicans were just too stupid to anticipate and do anything to prevent it.

    That means the smarter side won, and the losing side deserved to lose because they just didn’t do anything to avoid it.

    That’s why the right loses and the Left wins most of the time and why they now control the country. They know how to fight and win and we know how to complain about it and lose.

    And yes, I posted this concept before the election and I also said I expected Warnock to win and that Ossoff might win as well.

  10. Mitch the turtle didn’t help by suddenly becoming hawkish on the money he so easily let go the previous years by blocking the $2000 stimulus. He let Biden go down there and promise the money on day one if Warlock and Asshole were elected. This election was bought and paid for by us. Thanks Mitch. Looks like that $2000 will be going out anyway. Biden Bucks. Should buy every election from now on. But they’re telling us we can VOTE lots of these guys out if we don’t like them. VOTE!😂🤣🤔

  11. Welcome to the New Communism of the 21st Century where unnecessary, over-reaching, over-bearing, high-handed, dictatorial “regulations” are followed by the selective application of so-called “laws” largely based on what they think they can get away with nicely sanitized explanations for our “protection” and all the Pay-To-Play graft, massive democRat corruption, continuously streaming preposterous propaganda and Da Minion Election machines to choose our “leaders” for us!

  12. It’s not cheating if it is allowed to happen. Only the GA legislature has standing to sue over elections processes. Only the GA courts would have jurisdiction. The US Supreme Court by inaction has removed federal courts from any oversight of elections.

  13. I know a lot of us are upset with the elections results overall, but hear me out. The Fathers of this country were absolute geniuses. They set up a republic where one party rarely holds the senate, congress, and presidency at once, and if they do, there is another check on powers, (voting) every two years. We have a chance to make up serious ground in 2 years. And before you say, “If we have a country in two years….” Well, we will. This is the United States of America! God Bless Her!

  14. GA State law had a clause that said a runoff was a continuation of the same election – same people vote, you don’t register new people. They allowed new registrations, Stacy Abrams bragged about a million votes and again it looks like they still were losing and had several stop the vote calls, votes moving etc. Seize the machines now. Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting another result. Who turned out didn’t matter, who counts the votes is all that matters. They had a goal to steal the nation and they think they’ve done it – they have no idea what they’ve done to this nation the last few months.

  15. What you tolerate; you get.

    We have tolerated lies, deceit, dissimulation, prevarication, mendacity, dishonesty, theft, corruption, treason, traitorism, socialism, communism, syndicalism, unionism, nazification, perversion, usurpation, embezzlement, blackmail, political “activism” by supposedly neutral government agencies (IRS, CIA, FBI, NSA, USPS, FPS, DIA, DOJ, State Dept., Forestry Service, Dept. of the Interior, BATF, and others I can’t think of), propaganda by Party co-opted “news” organizations, meddling by tech giants, corruption of our youths’ “education,” enormous unsustainable unfunded liabilities, skyrocketing debt, and Police and Armed Forces leaders contemptuous of the Constitution.

    Now everybody gets that “surprised” look?

    Where you been the past hundred years or so?

    izlamo delenda est …

  16. I will not stand for this fucking “blame the victim” mentality! NO! We did not “tolerate” anything! Patriots have been fighting against these things for decades. Won’t bother to name all the ways in which good Americans have tirelessly and selflessly worked to right the wrongs. No one can deny that our enemies are extremely well funded, organized and determined. They’ve considered the overthrow of America their job, their full-time job! Such work does not allow time for raising families, working a productive job, attending church or any of the other things American patriots consider “the pursuit of happiness.”

  17. If Pence doesn’t pussy-out and he does deny the contested votes, doesn’t that mean the GA rerun is void? Because warnock and ossoff didn’t really get those votes on Nov 3rd. So the runoff would be between
    Doug Collins and another R.

  18. Peace, AA,
    “We” as in “We, the People of the United States” not “We” as in present company.

    And, sometimes, the victim is partially responsible for being the victim. If ya drop your drawers and bend over the table, somebody’s gonna screw ya. Not you, Ms Abigail, the generalized plural “you.”

    When we turned our faces away and self-censored we encouraged and enabled evil.
    “Vigilante” didn’t used to be an epithet.

    I’m re-reading Ezekiel and it’s got me thinking. Sorry if I offended – I know there are many fighting the good fight.

    izlamo delenda est …

  19. It’s all “separation of church and state” until you get a Marxist preacher and then the government is the vehicle for your “christian” charity.

    Georgia has a Cynthia McKinney streak to maintain and photonegative Father Pfleger is it.


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