No Wonder Pelosi’s Calling For Impeachment. Her Gavel Was Stolen Wednesday – IOTW Report

No Wonder Pelosi’s Calling For Impeachment. Her Gavel Was Stolen Wednesday

UK Daily Mail

A former mayoral candidate in Texas said she was ‘proud’ to be among the rioters who stormed the Capitol on Wednesday and bragged about how the mob had stolen Nancy Pelosi‘s gavel after ‘breaking down the door’ of the Speaker’s office. More

13 Comments on No Wonder Pelosi’s Calling For Impeachment. Her Gavel Was Stolen Wednesday

  1. Who are everyday real Americans to trust now?

    Can’t trust Democrats. They lie & cheat.
    Can’t trust the media. They’re fake news and lie.
    Can’t trust Republicans. They lie and are weak.
    Can’t trust social media. They’re in it for the power & money.
    Can’t trust the police. They’re racist we told.

    Can you trust your wife? Can you trust your husband. Can you trust your sons & daughters? HELL you’re not even aloud to use those words today


  2. Can you trust your wife? Can you trust your husband. Can you trust your sons & daughters?

    I guess that depends on the wife or husband, I’ve known people who had some really sorry spouses. Ditto for sons and daughters, sometimes it doesn’t matter how well you raise a child they turn out to be evil. I always look at if all of your kids turn out evil then you obviously failed as a parent, if you only have one that turns out evil then it’s probably not your fault.

  3. It’s been a long time since I’ve watched an impeachment but I seem to remember his lawyers had the opportunity to present evidence. Be careful what you wish for

  4. *wheezing*
    That’s the funniest shit I’ve heard all week! Haha.
    Pelosi you wretched old plastic bitch- sold your soul, so what do you care but for a fucking empty symbol of power like your Gavel? Better hold on TIGHT, Nancy. Maybe you can take it with you to Hell.


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