Pro-Trump Covfefe Coffee Brand Canceled by Chase Bank – IOTW Report

Pro-Trump Covfefe Coffee Brand Canceled by Chase Bank

PJM: Chase Bank has abruptly stopped a pro-Trump coffee company from using its payment processing service, WePay, and is currently preventing them from withdrawing any funds.

Covfefe Coffee, founded in 2018, brands itself as “Coffee For Deplorables By Deplorables.” The company, which says their goal is to “provide proud to Americans access to world-class coffee without having to fund your political and cultural opponents,” was informed via email on Wednesday that they would no longer be able to use their payment processing service because payments were “for one or more of the activities prohibited by” their terms of service.

“Unfortunately, you will no longer be able to use WePay Payments to accept additional payments,” the email continued. “Any pending payments will be canceled and you won’t be able to withdraw funds at this time.” more

27 Comments on Pro-Trump Covfefe Coffee Brand Canceled by Chase Bank

  1. What a bunch of fucking assholes. Like coffee can incite hate.

    Hate is in the heart, man. You can’t take that away.

    Is Chase going to stop customers from financing cars because cars cause hateful road rage, FFS.

  2. Had bad experiences with them and also”Wintrust.”

    At least I got my money out when they forced the closure of a commercial account.

    They used the “patriot act” as their excuse.

  3. Leftist childishness and tantrums.

    This is absolute shit. Every day it gets worse. We gotta get away, somehow.

    Big business, at one time the bete noire/bugbear of leftists, is now the leftists’ attack dog.

  4. Big Business + Socialist Government = Fascism.

    Every part of our lives will be controlled by a snooping, totalitarian, murderous government run according to Marxism, Darwinism and perverted science (the last term used by Churchill in a 1930’s reference to Nazism).

  5. …getting closer…

    “16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

    17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

    18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”
    Revelation 13:16-18

  6. Ernest T Bass FEBRUARY 6, 2021 AT 6:44 PM

    Thought that I might have done a SNS reply on this one a short while back.

    Trying not to duplicate that here again, I was moving too much money and they didn’t like having to supply me with large amounts of cash every couple of weeks or more often. Doesn’t mean we made any money, just moving too much.

    Had a buying operation (precious metals) connected with a jewelry business that paid out in cash. My partner and I used multiple commercial accounts trading back and forth between us so we weren’t just doing it to one bank. We understood picking up fifteen thousand or so every week would be a pain in the ass for one bank. People don’t realize that the more cash they have on hand increases their risk and costs. Deposit funds from the refiners and draw out the cash a couple of days later and we always gave them head’s up and how much we’d need in what denominations.

    The claim was my “Anti Terrorist Funding and Anti Money Laundering Procedures were not sufficient. BULLSHIT!

    That’s the short version.

    Believe you have been on the website long enough and can give you the longer version if you get my e-mail from Mr. Big.
    Will reply to any message you send.

  7. Anymouse thanks. Wasn’t prying… just curious if related to my situation. Mine involves 3 banks and a major life Ins underwriter. Going to be like putting a jigsaw puzzle together where all the pieces are the same color

  8. Ernest T Bass FEBRUARY 6, 2021 AT 7:56 PM

    Small branch in our town that I initially didn’t even know was Wintrust and because of personal preference for the “home town” personnel that staff the place we still have four different personal checking accounts there. Friend wife wouldn’t let me close them all out…

  9. I shitcanned a regional bank that I’d been using for more than a decade. Had no problems until I depo’d a large six-figure check that I’d made sure was a Federal Reserve check so that it would depo as cash.

    Get this – BEFORE I depo’d the check I talked with the head teller and the new branch manager, showing them the check, asking them if they understood it was a Fed check & I would have instant cash access to all of it. “yeah, sure. No problemo.” Ok; I depo’d it.

    A WEEK LATER I went to get a cashier’s check for half the amount. Head teller told me “nope, the deposit isn’t accessible for ten business days”, not looking me in the eyes. I asked her if she remembered our little discussion a week earlier.

    She said it wasn’t her decision, it was the branch manager’s, claiming it was standard bank policy. I could SEE the branch manager in her glass office; asshole wouldn’t come out to talk to me, I was told, “she’s waiting on a conference call”

    I went outside, called my office, told them I wasnt coming back in for the rest of the day. Went back in told the embarrassed head teller that I’d be happy to wait to talk with the branch mgr directly and settled in on the comfy couch facing the branch mgrs office.

    Branch manager had fucked herself. She was like a rat trapped inside an aquarium. Eventually the asshole had the head teller tell me to either leave or the branch manager would call the police for my “trespassing”.

    Furious? Pissed off? Oh hell yeah. Thank God I had a small account at a local credit union as well. Lived on that for the next week. But the day after The Fuckening I sent a certified letter to the branch manager informing her I was withdrawing ALL my funds and I required it to be in cash, not a worthless check drawn on the bank. Oh and I cc’d the banks CEO by certified mail too.

    Got a call from the CEO a few days later, asking for my side of the story. I told him and then told him to also talk to the head teller for verification.

    He calls me back ten mins later and apologized and asked me to remain a customer. Apparently he’d got the straight scoop and realized he’d been lied to. I asked if there was any possibility the branch manager would write me a personal letter of apology. He hesitated and said he doubted it. I told him have my money ready or I would be going to the local eyewitness news folks. He assured me it would be no problem.

    I brought in a softsided canvas briefcase and enjoyed counting & stuffing in all those fat stacks of $Hundies. Then I crumpled a $1 dollar bill and tossed it into the manager’s office on my way out.

    I made sure to tell other people I knew were customers about my experience. The head teller and her husband were in my church and she told me months later that they’d seen over $10MM in accounts liquidated because of the managers assholish heavy-handedness.

  10. These companies are screening themselves. Over time they will continue to lose customers until it really starts to hurt.

    Got to do whatever possible to support conservative friendly businesses.

  11. I wonder if Trump’s purported spelling error “covfefe” was an early coded warning of what would hit us in early 2020?

    Was he trying to warn us about covid19? I have heard nothing about what Trump was trying to convey, and I have not heard that he explained it or ever used it again.

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