“Clown World” Rap Video Offers Refreshing Criticism Of The Left – IOTW Report

“Clown World” Rap Video Offers Refreshing Criticism Of The Left

Canadian rapper, Tom MacDonald released his latest piece of social commentary yesterday on YouTube, which was quickly followed by over a million views and countless reaction videos from other media consumers. Watch

TomMacDonald-YouTube Screenshot

MacDonald’s previous rap video, “Fake Woke” garnered over 9 million views, the number one download on iTunes and attention from other social observers. Here

Warning: These are rap videos, so expect annoying looped beats, lyrics spoken at Ben Shapiro speed and otherwise offensive images, gestures or phrases. Those issues a side, MacDonald targets those who cause division for their own benefit and he does it well.

13 Comments on “Clown World” Rap Video Offers Refreshing Criticism Of The Left

  1. This is an prime example of taking back the culture from the libidinous left. MacDonald is talking sense to those who only take their culture from what many here consider its lowest form. He’s demonstrating that there is a market out there for those who are willing to bring a common sense to popular entertainment. By going against the divisive liberal tide, he’s become the counterculture and it’s refreshing.

    I didn’t post this piece here because it’s high art or even particularly enjoyable to listen to. It’s posted because it’s effective at challenging the leftist fear manufacturing and point out the absurdity of their worn out act.

  2. Anyone turned off by the medium is missing the message, and it’s a shame, because this guy can very well be cancelling, not only cancel culture, but leftism in general.
    He is an important cultural figure, like him or not.

  3. “He is an important cultural figure, like him or not.” –

    ^^^THIS is what Andrew Breitbart taught us…

    Pay attention peeps!

    THAT guy IS extremely talented and is ON OUR SIDE FFS…


  4. “I don’t trust anyone who bleeds for a week and don’t die.”

    Man, I haven’t heard that old line in decades.

    I guess everything comes back around sooner or later, though.


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