Love Noem – IOTW Report

Love Noem

Not to be shallow, but Kristi Noem has nice arms.

She is a great governor.

ht/ c. steven tucker

30 Comments on Love Noem

  1. Her looks are unique and interesting for sure.

    She is a rising conservative star and we would certainly like to have an American Maggie Thatcher. But I will watch and read for now, hoping she is not a secret RINO or might become one. We know that power corrupts a lot of politicians.

  2. @Charlie WalksonWater – don’t tempt me Chuck…

    @TimBuktu – “unique and interesting” – oookay…those are two INTERESTING adjectives to use…

    and @BFH…yeah sure…nice arms…hair…eyes…and of course a brain/mind…a complete PACKAGE…

    Shallow? Compliments ARE compliments…no?


  3. TIM

    Not always. Ronny love Americans as much in 1990 as he did in 1980!
    Bushes were corrupt long before they were President. Dc had nothing to do withe their conniving ways!

    Ike , to the best of my knowledge, was not corrupted.

  4. Wow. Noem is fantastic. Definitely president material. She’s so independently self assured of the solid patriotic conervative principles she has in her heart.
    Mr. Trump may not be her cup of tea, personally, but I have no doubt she respects and appreciates what he has done for this country.
    If she does “move on up” to DC, as a presidential candidate she’ll need to make sure to be supported by like minded staff in her administration because the attacks from the Deep State will be more intense. However, God is on her side. She would be a great president.

  5. @Ghost, you know the way. My next door neighbor died so theres a place for ya.

    2 acres, 3 bdrm, 4.5 stalls, cranky old neighbor next door. Bring 300k and its yours.

  6. Back to Mrs Governor, she is a follower of Christ, believes in a strict interpretation of the Constitution, shes not afraid of a fight and so far hasnt backed down in the face of opposition, including the media. She campaigned for Trump, flew to many of his rallys promoting SD (which is in her job description) and received the usual partisan attacks for using the states planes to do it. She served in DC as our only congressMAN for 6 yrs and had her fill so i doubt she will return. She’s not a lawyer and those make the best governors. end of ramble.

  7. The one thing we have to our advantage is time: time to vet these people THOROUGHLY.

    Trump remains the standard. Even if he is re-elected in his late 70s, he still kicks ass over all of them.

    Trump’s parents lived to ripe old ages. He has good genes. But man, he is getting very fat. He has to lose that weight or it’ll put him in an early grave.

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