Oregon: Portland Public Schools headquarters, vehicles set on fire – IOTW Report

Oregon: Portland Public Schools headquarters, vehicles set on fire

Who, oh, who could have done this?

By The Oregonian/OregonLive Politics Team

The headquarters of Portland Public Schools was vandalized overnight in what the district superintendent is calling “an attack on our city’s public school system.”

Multiple school district vehicles were set on fire, office windows were broken and graffiti was scrawled on the district headquarters, 501 N. Dixon St., Superintendent Guadalupe Guerrero said.

“While I am relieved that no one was hurt and there was no further damage to the building, this malicious act of arson and property destruction last night was criminal and it has no place in our community,” Guerrero said in a statement posted to the district’s Twitter account Saturday. “This was an attack on our city’s public school system.”

Food delivery trucks and maintenance vans were destroyed.

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19 Comments on Oregon: Portland Public Schools headquarters, vehicles set on fire

  1. Must have made someone mad at them.

    “It was unclear who was responsible for the damage or what their motivations were. ”

    Graffiti left on the vandalized building would give some hint of that, I would think.

  2. The teachers who don’t want to go back to school probably did this, and are now afraid the violence will be directed at them if they do go back. Jussy Smollett?
    False Flag!

  3. It must’ve been those deplorable gun-fondling right-wing extremist Nazi fundamentalist Christian Constitution-quoting Fascist militia QAnon Proud Boy anti-science flat earther anti-mask vaxxer domestic terrorists. Gotta be.

  4. When the Pravdagonian claims not to know, it’s leftist violence. When there is zero proof the Pravdagonian blames President Trump’s supporters. Leftists cause massive amounts of damage and are forgiven. If a Trump supporter hurts a leftist’s feeling they throw the book at him.


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