The US Marines attack Tucker Carlson, critics, forced to walk back comments with apologies – IOTW Report

The US Marines attack Tucker Carlson, critics, forced to walk back comments with apologies

Post Millennial: The US military has done more to discredit itself by attacking Fox News’ Tucker Carlson than twenty years of military failures in the Middle East.

Earlier this week, Fox News primetime host Tucker Carlson took the hatchet to the military by criticizing their virtue signaling with the introduction of a jumpsuit for expectant mothers (sorry, “pregnant people”) in the military, pointing out that it would be foolhardy to send pregnant women into the front lines. He also questioned Biden’s update of military grooming standards to be “feminine.”

In his remarks, Carlson pointed out how the Chinese military had been gearing up for the “masculine” expansion of its naval fleet, an initiative Chinese media outlets proudly reported.

In response, US Space Command’s Senior Enlisted Leader, Marine Corps Mastery Gunnery Sgt. Scott Stalker responded in an angry video condemning Tucker Carlson for his remarks, pointing out through a strawman argument that women were a valuable element of the US military — a point that Carlson himself never opposed in his remarks about the military. read more

23 Comments on The US Marines attack Tucker Carlson, critics, forced to walk back comments with apologies

  1. Obama started trying to destroy our Military his first day in office. It looks like he’s finally got the job done.
    I’m thinking that faggot, Senior Enlisted Leader, Marine Corps Mastery Gunnery Sgt. Scott Stalker, has never been shot at either. He talks to much for a fighting man.

  2. OK, it’s a given that our military is run by scared dickless career seekers, complicit in the weakening of our fighting forces to that of maybe Albania with their social engineering. Ditto the majority of the police departments, run by bureaucratic yes men by were never once shot at or found himself on his back with a bad guy fighting for his life. These two great institutions are now the enemy of the people. Of course we could throw in the FBI, Justice, and many other government entities, mindless sycophants that shill for their betters.

    But just keep this in mind, the command structure as it exists, coupled with the recent politicization of the military, just because some general defends the pussification of our military, that doesn’t mean he agrees with it. Any career military man knows that you have to spout the party line, if dumb enough to be on social media, you have to be as woke, as intersectional as possible. Your bosses read this stuff and if you write or utter anything that veers, that does not show blind resolute solitary with the message, your career is over.

  3. My sister graduated from West Point and flew black hawks back in 1985. Her husband graduated as well and flew Apaches. Their two sons both graduated from West Point. I think amazing! But they are done with the military and West Point. Another great institution gone PC.

  4. The US Marines are not the US Marines anymore: they are a military arm of the Junta government in place since January, that is being set upon citizens of the United States.

    If any Marine has any integrity, they’d be resigning en masse, and Marine vets should be ‘up in arms’ about this.

    Who’d ever thought? And so fast. But remember how the USSR fell so quickly.

  5. Have any of these geniuses given a thought to what the G forces of a fighter jet would do to a fetus? Do they give any thought to anything besides their commie douche agenda?

  6. “The US military has done more to discredit itself by attacking Fox News’ Tucker Carlson than twenty years of military failures in the Middle East.”

    Holy shit. Fuck post millennial and fuck Ian miles ching chong. I HOPE HE GETS BEATEN AGAIN FOR BEING A DOUCHE.

    Seriously, I wake up from a nap to be told the past 20 years in the middle east was a failure that discredited our military?


  7. Carlson Cucker refuses to acknowledge Fox’s role in the election fraud and goes to great lengths to never mention it. Can’t wait till he fucks you idiot fan boys again!

  8. Of course it’s outrageous that the Marines would rip Tucker Carlson. With that being said, Tucker ripped Sydney Powell and I don’t think I’ve heard him back off those statements. Plus anyone that goes years wearing a bow tie I’m skeptical of.

  9. I’m so old that I can remember when it was irresponsible for Sarah Palin to fly commercial while pregnant.

    That’s how old I am. Little did I know that by virtue of her pregnancy that she was actually more qualified to fly the plane than any man or non-pregnant woman. And I learned something today.

    Of course, this was way back in 2009 when publishing bizarre conspiracy theories that Sarah Palin was actually the grandmother of her own child to cover for her eminently pregnable daughter and seemingly every news outlet in the country gave air time to it or at least outsourced the theories to America’s premier vagina hating freelance obstetrician – Andrew Sullivan.

    It’s quite a feint for our military to advertise our strategic reserve of Flying Preggos to give our enemy the illusion that our defense are not, in fact, impregnable.

    Touché, Master Gunnery Sgt White Knight. Touché.

    Did I say “touché”? Excusez, moi. I meant douché.

  10. I would have to say that more than 90% of my friends are Marines…from pay grades E-2 all the way up to O-6 (and some even higher) I have NO idea where this limp dick chair polisher E-9 came up with this shit, but he sounds like one of O’FuckingBama’s boys.

  11. “Pregnant people”. I read a new term in Katherine Flannery’s “Manners for Kids” today. She described herself as a “family-haver”. Pffft (Sorry, that was ill-mannered of me.)

  12. From the Official U.S. Marine Corps Twitter for the II MEF Information Group;

    “We can do better and we will collectively take a knee…”


    Any asshole talking about “taking a knee” is absolutely NOT a Marine!!!

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