Dem border mayor to Biden on immigrant crisis: ‘Whose side are you on?’ – IOTW Report

Dem border mayor to Biden on immigrant crisis: ‘Whose side are you on?’

BPR: Bruno Lozano, a Democrat and the mayor of Del Rio, Texas, joined Fox News’ “Your World” on Monday and shredded the Biden administration over the border crisis, calling it a “slap in the face” and asking the president, “Whose side are you on?”

The mayor stated: “Well, I did speak with Julie Rodriguez of the White House. They stated that they were trying to facilitate the needs, and trying to come up with a plan of action, but this is nothing new. We were managing it in 2019 and here we are in 2021 managing another immigration crisis of great proportion and nothing is being done. It is a Biden border crisis in my opinion because there’s no plan of action. Seeing what we’re seeing now, what was happening in the Rio Grande Valley with people wrapped around in blankets made out of silver, it’s just kind of absurd what is happening.” more

7 Comments on Dem border mayor to Biden on immigrant crisis: ‘Whose side are you on?’

  1. He won’t admit outside a Democrat Party conclave, but it should be apparent to anyone who is paying attention they are on Satan’s side, Biden is just the figure head of this illegitimate and rogue regime. By their words and through their actions and by looking at where there agenda has lead each and every time the progressive movement either by hook or by crook achieves critical mass and is able to implement it leads to increased human suffering, misery and death here on earth. It is apparent they are in service to their dark prince.

  2. ‘Whose side are you on?’

    Satan’s of course. Just like every OTHER Democrat.

    Including YOU, Mr. Mayor…

    …see, if you get your job from evildoers and devilspawn, that makes YOU an evildoing devilspawn.

    …you can’t work for hell without smelling of Sulphur, and you have the same rotten egg stench ALL Dems do, Alcalde…

  3. The Dems want America dismantled and demolished … what they are doing now will have world-wide repercussions, in terms of geo-political and military power, energy and hi-tech power.
    The Dems, by sowing our weakness, are planting the seeds for a world-wide conflagration.


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