How can white people not be racist? I think I know the answer – IOTW Report

How can white people not be racist? I think I know the answer

Everything is racist. So, I think the only solution is to wipe out white people. Then the people who see racism everywhere can target some other group to wipe out, because, to their core, these people who see racism everywhere are nasty, evil shitweasles.

ht/ hot salsa

30 Comments on How can white people not be racist? I think I know the answer

  1. How can people on this website believe everything they read? Almost all of you believed the worst about Sidney Powell because one person here said so.
    Gateway Pundit; WashPost lies about Sidney Powell, her Voter Fraud Court Claims

  2. I think I already know this decade’s most overused word.
    It just so pisses me off that we had to endure 8 gawdawful years of Obama incompetence only to still be called a racist country.

  3. I would like to see all white people to strike for one day. All of us to call in sick. Every single one of us. Trust me, the nation would grind to a halt. Make it a weekday like Wednesday. Right smack in the middle of the week. Then we will hear the ingrates squeeeeeel like pigs.

  4. I’m tired of that Beneath Meat crap taking up valuable space in the meat section at Publix.
    I don’t want those racist vegans breathing all over the real meat.
    Why do those racist vegans demand that veggies be converted to look like real meat?
    I always knew they were racist nuts.

  5. Vegans – racist phony people eating racist phony food.

    We have canines, you morons. What do you think they’re for? Tearing the throats out of white people? Why is reality so distasteful to these pretentious asswipes?

    I know … I know … since God made it – the nihilist must oppose it – no matter what.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. This is what you get for denying yourself the proper amount of protein found in meat.
    Brainwashed Bullshit.

    These people are science deniers. The human animal has 4 types of teeth used to both chew grains and rip meat. These people are fools.

  7. How can white people not be racist?

    I’ll take: What is distance themselves from the Democrat Party and have absolutely nothing to do with the progressive movement for a thousand Alex

  8. I am not Vegan, and if you are I don’t care. I will not change to accommodate you. I am not a supremacist no matter how badly you want me to be. I will not change to accommodate you. I have never colonized anything. If other people of my racial background
    did hundreds of years in the past I don’t care and I won’t be made to answer for them. If these stupid fantasies are the basis of your life, tough shit. I will not change to accommodate you. Sorry, not sorry.

  9. Grayjohn,

    >If other people of my racial background
    did hundreds of years in the past I don’t care and I won’t be made to answer for them.>>

    The left can’t wrap their heads around that because they see people as a collection that they’ve compartmentalized. No one is an individual.

  10. Blaming everything on racism sure does mean nothing one EVER does or doesn’t do is ever they’re own fault.
    That’s a mighty attractive thing to the lazy, worthless, and indolent.


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