Hews Media Group- Cerritos News has learned from high-level sources that Gov. Gavin Newsom is having a romantic relationship with one of his close staffers.
With his recall heating up, this could be the last straw between voters and Newsom.
The sources are telling HMG-CN that many of Newsom’s other high-ranking staffers are aware of the relationship, and are ready to jump ship. Another said, “I have heard rumors!”
Newsom is currently married to Jennifer Siebel Newsom and they have four children.
Just six days ago, Newsom made …
ht/ all too much
Please let it be the maid & she dresses up in Mrs. Noisome’s clothes, als old Arnie & the hired help.
That would be schadenfreudulicious!
Willie Brown is his mentor
* a la
Damned feeble fingers of mine!
Cant read boy apparently can do other things to support the Democrat political moral code.
IF YOU LIVE IN NOCAL AND YOU “TOOK OUT YOUR WALLETR AND PAID ATTENTION!”. You know that the Frico taxpayers are in effect pay;ng almost $5,000,000 child support to mothers of hi Kida. Most significant the wife of his campaign manager.
Gav did not have any of the husbands fight him as Johnny mcC did 48 years ago. Maybe the “disability” pmts were a factor.
Gav and John have a lot in common.
I wonder what was the real reason for his divorce from Kimberly Guilfoyle….in 2005…..?
Her wiki page alleges that she’s kinda freaky.
Cheaters are always gonna cheat.
Nothing new here to see here just ask Kimberly Guilfoyle.
re we sure it’s not another guy?
“Newsom is currently married to Jennifer Siebel Newsom and they have four children.”
Five’ll get ya’ ten that Jennifer Siebel Newsom was just fine with that arrangement. Politicians wives are many times even more loathsome than politicians. In fact I would go as far as to say that is the rule, rather than the exception. What they lack in self respect they make up for in false indignation.
The media is criticizing Newsom for not being accessible to the press, but they are fine with Biden?
Cheating on your spouse is despicable behavior and reveals a major character flaw. When conducted within the confines of a power imbalance such as with an underling, it is doubly contemptible.
It was wrong when Trump did it, when Don JR did it, when Horn dog Bill did it, even when McCain and Gingrich did it. We tend to look away when one of “our guys” acts like a pig, we shouldn’t.
Jennifer Siebel Newsom is very pretty and seems like a decent person, she doesn’t deserve this, if true, and should divorce him immediately.
“I couldn’t live like that…”
But, but, he promised not to tell!
Sounds like the “high level staffer” wants to be VP someday, she’s following in Kamala Harris’s footsteps.
10-1 odds that the side chick is uglier than his wife. It’s about power, entitlement, ego, and selfishness. Not sexual desire.
He or a she?
So is the mistress (nice word for slut) the second “Partner”? His wife is referred as the Girst Partner even on state website. New sum is truly scum
Sorry, First Partner above, not Girst!!
Oh. A “high level staffer,” eh? What’s his name?