Texas Sheriff says number of illegal crossings via Rio Grande River under the Biden admin “out of control” – IOTW Report

Texas Sheriff says number of illegal crossings via Rio Grande River under the Biden admin “out of control”

News Thud

Appearing on Newsmax TV, Texas Sheriff Frank Martinez warns the numbers of illegal crossing across the Rio Grande River under the Biden admin is “out of control.” WATCH

13 Comments on Texas Sheriff says number of illegal crossings via Rio Grande River under the Biden admin “out of control”

  1. Wouldn’t you come too if you were assured a plane ticket to Iowa and $ 2,500 meal money until your guaranteed shovel ready job started?

    You think you see illegals everywhere now give them six months. No wonder even the Indian call center folks are so cocky. They know they have future at Facebook.

  2. Considering that the majority of Americans and foreign nations are aware that Biden/Harris are frauds it will be difficult for this administration to get away with squelching resistance from other elected peoples. It’s only going to get louder as time goes by.

  3. If we created an offshore phone answering business in Mexico instead of Puerto Rico I bet we could keep tens of thousands of Mexicans home. All they have to do is learn English. Corporations would pay the salaries and provide the technology.

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