MLB, pandering jackasses, move all-star game out of Georgia because of LEFT-WING LIES! – IOTW Report

MLB, pandering jackasses, move all-star game out of Georgia because of LEFT-WING LIES!

MLB statement-

Kemp’s statement-

“Today, Major League Baseball caved to fear, political opportunism, and liberal lies. Georgians — and all Americans — should fully understand what the MLB’s knee-jerk decision means: cancel culture and woke political activists are coming for every aspect of your life, sports included. If the left doesn’t agree with you, facts and the truth do not matter.

“This attack on our state is the direct result of repeated lies from Joe Biden and Stacey Abrams about a bill that expands access to the ballot box and ensures the integrity of our elections. I will not back down. Georgians will not be bullied. We will continue to stand up for secure, accessible, fair elections. Earlier today, I spoke with the leadership of the Atlanta Braves who informed me they do not support the MLB’s decision.” 

ht/ – the dolfer

38 Comments on MLB, pandering jackasses, move all-star game out of Georgia because of LEFT-WING LIES!

  1. So sick of our elite overlords involving themselves in what we watch, eat, breath, see, smell, drink and think. It will drive the marginally sane into violent acts.

  2. So sad. I never get to see my Tigers or Mud Hens ever again. Their choice. Not mine. They hate me. They hate us. They hate America.

    The left is evil.

  3. You know what? NONE of this would have happened if Kemp had been keeping an eye on election shenanigans before 2020. The left was sending newsletters to each other, zoom meetings and emails about how they were going to scam the election. That included the union people who worked for the FEDS. The fucking FEDS along with AFLCIO. But no one did anything. No one broadcasted it. Even our so-called Conservative media.

    Oh, and fuck the MLB sideways with a bat.
    They’re going to run out of states to play in before the season’s out. LOL. I hope they bleed cash.

  4. Sigh, just when I was hoping to renew my interest in baseball.

    I will NOT bow down to the wokeness of any major league (or college) sport. Alas poor MLB I hardly knew ye. Now, I definitely will not know ye.

  5. @Bobcat April 2, 2021 at 7:25 pm
    “…The worst part is that Buckhead was going to use that Money to help out Flint’s Water problem…”

    The left are myopic morons – can’t see past the pimple on their nose.

  6. They take your personal information when you buy a ticket. You either use a bus pass or a drivers license to get to the stadium. Then you have to show proof of age when you buy a beer at the stadium.
    ALL require ID. Are you going to tell me the blacks and hispanics at the games who have ID only did it through some kind of miracle?
    Is there a patron saint of ID and passports I don’t know about?

  7. So what are all these baseball players going to do once MLB goes bankrupt because no one goes to see them.

    Oh, bailing out professional sports is probably part of the “infrastructure” bill.

  8. “…Any self-respecting player who is selected for the all-star game should refuse to show up…”

    Self respecting. Haaahaaahaaahaaaahaaahaaahaaa, hoo boy that was funny! The only thing they respect is their paycheck.

  9. What if…MLB hadn’t moved the All-Star Game? Do you think the left would let it pass come mid-July? Would the activist over there wishing to gin up hatred for their opponents would let the opportunity to cause trouble down at the old ball game slip through their hands?

    Or would the violent left show up come Mid-season to vandalize property and assault baseball fans to try to intimidate Georgians into letting them cheat freely?

    I’m not a fan of giving in to the mob, but I’m willing to bet if given half a chance, democrats in Atlanta would make things worse.

  10. I’m glad this happened. Now I know I don’t have to waste any time watching baseball this year.

    BFH, sorry dude. I know you like NY Mets and the St Lucie Mets minor league team. They still got charcoal grilled soft pretzels there?

  11. I was kinda looking forward to the season, to attending maybe half a dozen games.
    Now I will not even permit MLB on my TV.
    They chose to be my political enemy.
    And I do NOT help fund my political enemy.

  12. This is one of the last nails in the coffin of sports….there is bound to be a couple more to finish the job. There will be some diehard holdouts and until some final outrage seals it. Who will support sports then? Antifa? Ha Ha.

    MLB, NFL, NHL, NBA, NCAA and all the rest are circling in the bowl awaiting the final flush.

    I don’t care. I get more entertained reading my history books. No joke.

  13. Oh look! Pakistan defeated South Africa today in cricket….by 3 wickets. None of them googly….

    crap. it’s not the same.

    Hmmm. May start attending Little League games while keeping all of my major league behavior.



  14. Why am I still a diehard Seattle Mariners fan? maybe it’s because i’m a baseball junkie and I love listening to the games on the radio. The good thing is our local baseball team the Spokane Indians are now in a high A (AAA) league and will play 120 games this year starting around the first of May. 60 home games and 60 on the road, I’ll be going to more Indians games this year, I’m excited for that and I don’t have to go to Seattle to watch baseball this year. Beside Indians games are a lot cheaper and parking is still free in some parts of the stadium lot and maybe 5 bucks max in the paid parking areas, I can live with that.

  15. If any of the Mariners take a knee I will quit baseball. I hope it doesn’t happen but if they pull a stupid stunt like that, screw them. Baseball players just need to play ball and forget all the politically correct bs. They get paid to play ball not to lecture us about social justice.

  16. All Star Game? Pfft! We really need to get rid of the Braves, Falcons, Hawks, Coca-Cola, Delta, CNN, TBS, Weather Channel and all the Hollywood types. Then we could go back to being a decent place to live.

  17. If I can quit MLB, anyone can. Just remember that if you pay for tickets, MLBTV, etc., you’re trading your principles for a little entertainment. How humiliating!! AND it’s a humiliation that strengthens the left. Is it worth it?

  18. This action by MLB saddened and pissed me off big time. I cherish baseball. I even worked for the MN Twins for two years. I agree with other posters, I will go to little league games and try to get tickers for the Saint Paul Saints; that is if they don’t take a knee.

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