New Nasal Spray COVID Vaccine Uses Gene Transfer Technology – IOTW Report

New Nasal Spray COVID Vaccine Uses Gene Transfer Technology

For a virus that has: Survival Rate of 99%-Plus for Ages 69 and Younger, 94.6% for Older. This is like cracking an egg with a sledge hammer.


Rokote Laboratories Finland Ltd., a newly-founded academic spin-out based in Finland is working to develop and introduce to the markets a nasal spray vaccine against COVID. The vaccine is based on research carried out at the University of Helsinki and the University of Eastern Finland.

The vaccine uses gene transfer technology developed at the University of Eastern Finland by Academy Professor Seppo Ylä-Herttuala’s research group, and the technology has already been successfully used in several clinical trials using gene therapy to treat cardiovascular diseases and cancer. The vaccine uses a safe adenovirus carrier that contains a cloned DNA strand, which causes nasopharyngeal cells to produce the virus protein which, in turn, produces a response to the vaccine. There is no actual SARS-CoV-2 virus in the vaccine. Preliminary results show that the vaccine has performed well in animal studies, and clinical testing in humans will start within a few months. more here

16 Comments on New Nasal Spray COVID Vaccine Uses Gene Transfer Technology

  1. As far as I know,animal DNA isn’t the same as humans.some animals can be trained but for the most they are dumb.i am not,so keep giving that nose spray to them and I’ll just go on with my life.God willing it will be for another day at the least.😉

  2. I’d rather cup Michelle Obama farts after she ate a Taco Bell bean and cheese burrito with extra bean and cheese.

    Wait. Scratch that. I’ll risk dying like Hank Aaron did after he took the vaccine. Pass that COVID nasal spray over here…

  3. Once someone is “all-in” on a stupid, mindless, tyrannical hoax, he cannot back away. A stupid flu was chosen to be the vehicle for spreading terror throughout the West – and (pretty much) everybody fell for it. Now we’re going into the second year of this nonsense and the maggots can’t just point and laugh, calling us all “suckers,” because they need the credulous for their next lie.

    All the tyrants and would-be tyrants certainly crawled out of the woodwork, didn’t they? I guess that they believe tyranny based on a hoax is weaker than tyranny based on terror, torture, famine, and death – so they maintain the pretense until we can be disarmed.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. If they thought that this would be more appealing than the shot, they thought wrong. The conversation is over the moment “gene therapy” or “gene transfer” pops up.

  5. I read that Chicom govt officials are weaseling out of getting the Chicom covid vaccine, citing “health reasons”. I guess being govt elites, they’ll get the saline solution and the vaccine assport anyway.

    Put yourself out of their reach, or they’ll put the vax screws to you.

  6. It’s like the world’s wannabe tyrants all had a Zoom meeting and had Rahm Emmanuel as their keynote speaker.
    Stuff your phony panic porn.

    China Virus.
    The election was stolen.

  7. expect more of this activity. no one gets out alive, they know it, we know it. judgement is inevitable for all humankind and nothing will save you, but the maker. time is running out for this one, soon she join the many.

  8. I would like to know where the line is?
    Those that are in on this stupidity, and those that are just stupid.
    It would be a good thing if some of the reporters that have been canceled would come forward.


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